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The week passed by quickly after your release from the hospital. Wyld's breaking news story was still trending. You told yourself to forget it. What you did never mattered anyways. He wouldn't know that you were the one who tried to stop it.

Your manager invited you to a meet and greet with an idol group during the weekend. You reluctantly agreed to go. She had an extra ticket because Jun didn't want to go. He said he would rather stay at home and sleep. It was strange how he had no clue that she liked him. For 2 years, she had liked him, but never had the guts to ask him out. She was scared of rejection like the rest of us.

A part of you was glad that you were experiencing this for the first time. Free things could only mean that something good was going to happen soon. You desperately wanted to save up to see Sa1nt and your bias, Kyunghyun. Unfortunately, house bills never stop coming. Living the broke life really tires a person out.

Your first impression of the meet and greet was screaming teenage girls. Oh wait, that's you on the computer every day. The girls pushed and shoved their way to get a closer glimpse of the idol group. You were trying to read the name, but two girls decided to sit on each other's shoulders and block your frontal view. Girls surrounded you, so you couldn't move away either.

The inner Y/N wanted to push the top girl off, end of story.

"ARE YOU READY FOR....MAYHEM?!" the host called out.

His question was answered by a bunch of screams. The crowd chanted each members' name in unison.

When the idols came out, the two chicken fighters got off each other. They jumped up and down, waving their light sticks. Your manager looked excited to meet this group.

A gray haired male walked out first. You assumed his name was Minsoo. He was smol, but that never stopped thousands of girls to cry whenever his presence was near. His kind eyes reflected the amount of passion he had for his group. It made your heart flutter, thinking that he would come down to you and ruffle your hair. Fantasies like this made your day, hoping that fantasy would come true.

A tall, male with blonde hair followed behind Minsoo. He introduced himself as Daehyun. With his height, he looked like a huggable tree. Daehyun wiggled his sweater paws as he greeted the fans.

Cat-like eyes met your gaze afterwards. You couldn't stop staring at how beautifully mature the male looked. At first glance, D.Min looked cold, like Jun. Although, he gave a warm smile that shattered any bad first impressions of him.

Lastly, familiar red hair was the first thing you saw. Flashbacks played in your head, starting from the coffee shop to breaking news.

"W-wyld..." you muttered under your breath.

"Did you say something Y/N?" your manager gave you a worried look.

You shook your head and gave a fake smile. She turned her gaze back to the Mayhem members.

After fully introducing themselves, performing their title track, and reciting lame puns, the meet and greet started. Mayniacs would either bombard them with a million questions, or be too shy to say anything as the desired member held their hand.

It took 3 long hours. You desperately needed to use the restroom, but your manager held you in place.

"I-i just need to pee. I'll be right back in two minutes, I promise," you whined.

"Y/N, we're almost there. Suck it up for a few more minutes," she reassured.

Minutes turned into another hour. You were growing a bit impatient with your manager, stopping you from leaving when duty calls.

"I didn't want to be here anyways, Unnie. Just let me use the restroom," your comment caused some of the fans around you to glare daggers straight into your soul.




You kept your head down. It was the night club humilation all over again.

"Next, please!" the host called you up. Daehyun was the first member you were seeing. He awaited you with his duck plushie.

"DAEHYUN DON'T TALK TO HER! SHE'S A FAKE FAN" the angry girls filled with hormones shouted.

Looks like someone's salty. Did someone evaporate the sea and dumped its content of salt and attitude to your toothpaste this morning? Something sure stinks...Oh wait, it's you.

"Next, Madam!" the host called again, interrupting your inner roasts.

You walked towards Daehyun, giving him a slight smile. He greets you and holds your hand. Daehyun's hand feels soft compared to yours. Hints of vanilla filled your nostrils as he booped your nose.

Moving onto D.Min, a part of you felt terrified. His aura was similar to Jun's. You were questioning whether or not to make crude jokes, like you did around your coworker. D.Min interlaced his fingers into yours.

"Are you scared of me, Y/N?" he rubbed your knuckles.

You nodded your head slightly, earning a small laugh to escape his lips.

"Don't be. I know I look like a big bad wolf, but trust me, I'm a giant teddy bear inside," he squished his cheeks, trying to look cute.

"You're anything but a wolf, D.Min," you headed over to Minsoo.

He wore giant sunglasses and cat ears. Minsoo greeted you with a meow. At this point, you wanted to take Minsoo home and take care of the fluffball. Unfortunately, your time with him was very short because the girl behind you decided to rush D.Min in order to get to Minsoo.

Ignoring her, you slowly approached Wyld. You kept looking down as you reached him. The world felt as if it came to a stop.

"Hello, Y/N" he tried to hold your hand, but you instantly pulled away.

He was confused of why you didn't accept his kind gesture. You could hear the disapproval of his fans already.

"Is there something wrong, Y/N?" he called out.

You wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him that you were there that night, trying to save him. In your heart, you knew that a nobody like you could ever change someone's life like that. The words didn't want to come out.

"Y/N..." Wyld lifts your chin up, making you stare back into his eyes.

That's when you remembered.

Your bladder couldn't take it anymore.  


This one was a lengthy boi. Enjoy!

~Smol Marshmallow~

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