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This will be the last chapter... But there WILL be a book 2! ❤️


" Man you aggy... Leave me alone I chose this " I said as I talked to my aunt on the phone while playing in Jr hair as he slept on me

" Okay but I may be only 19 with 2 kids but I got a roof over my head and can afford to keep clothes on my back and food in my stomach " I said getting mad

Lucas walked in the room with his towel around his torso

" Who that? " he mouthed

" Aunt " I said

He nodded and went to his drawer getting some boxers out and some joggers

" Mhm yeah whatever " I said as my minded was easing off her and onto Lucas

I was so over her screaming in my ear anyways so I hung up on her and laid back against the headboard watching him

He turnt around

" What? " he said

I shook my head smiling and ran my tongue across my teeth

He shook his head and went into the bathroom getting dressed

Laughing I then quinced from the baby kicking the shit out of me

" Dang girl... " I said

" Girl? " Lucas asked walking out

" Hmm? " I said playing dumb

" You said girl " he said smiling and sitting on the bed

" And? " I said

" Is that what we're having? " he asked

I rolled my eyes smiling

" Obviously " I said

He cheesed and then she kicked again

" Woah now baby " I said placing my hand on my stomach

She started pushing hard where my hand was and then the bed went wet

" L-Lucas.... " I said

" Hmm? " he asked

" The baby coming.. " I said panicking

" Awh shit " he said jumping up

3 hours later

I was peacefully asleep

" That was one hell of a delivery " I heard Lucas whisper

" I wanna see my sister " Jr said back

Nigga can't whisper for shit

" Shh! " Lucas said

" You Shh!! " Jr yelled back

My eyes fluttered open

" See woke ya mama up " Lucas said

I was smiling

" You did that.. " Jr said climbing up on the bed next to me

I shook my head

" Do they still got her in that nursery? " I asked furrowing my eyes brows

" Yeah... she been in there since you popped her out.. " Lucas said

" She shouldn't still be in there.. " I said

" Maybe they running tests on her.. " he said

" May- "

" This just in a inmate has escaped the county prison just hours ago.. He is known to be armed and dangerous. From our state officials the suspect has been identified as Keith Powell Rose.. If you see this suspect please contact the authorities right away. We will be back at noon.. " she said

I looked at Lucas quickly and sat up

" How did he- "

The hospital alarm went off and lights started flashing as we heard gun rounds in the hallway

I jumped up and opened the door

Soon as I stepped out a gun bullet was coming my way and Lucas pulled me back in time just for it to side swipe my cheek

" Are you crazy?! Stay in here " he said closing the door

" No Lucas! J'liyah is out there! " I said trying to get past him

We go back and forth until after a minute it gets quiet

Someone starts banging on the door and I jumped

Getting behind Lucas he lifted his shirt and put his hand on his torso

I looked down and he had a fucking gun on his hip

Swinging the door open he had pulled it out

" Woah Woah woah! I mean no harm! " the nurse said with her hands up

He slowly put it down

She was looking frightened and their were injured people all over the place

I ran out the room and down the hall to the nursery

" Kira! " Lucas yelled

As I made a turn I ran inside and the nurses were in there trying to keep the babies from crying

" Where is my baby?! " I yelled and I felt Lucas grab me

" What's he or she name? " the nurse asked

" J'liyah Coly " I said

They looked around and then looked back at me slowly

" Ma'am do not freak out... " she said

" What do you mean don't freak out?! Where is my baby??! " I yelled

" Ma'am I think she was the baby kidnapped... " she said slowly

" WHAT?! " me and Lucas yelled in unisons

" Calm d- "


" Sir we don't wanna have to dis- "

" Y'all ain't gone do shit! Where is my fucking daughter?! I swear to god I will turn this whole damn hospital upside down! " he yelled as I saw his face red as I don't know what

Everything was moving so slow and my hearing was fading in and out

Then everything went black.

The End...👀.

Nah... I'm kidding😂... But should this be the end and I start Book 2? 👀☕️

Comment below!

Thoughts? 😞💔

Chasing LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ