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I was tagged by kittyatameofficial-
Again so here it goes. Also I'm gonna try to do this before WolfGalaxiaOwl can.

What place would you like to travel to and why?
I've been lucky to have gone to a whole lot of places , even tho I'm still a teen. So I'll say that I want to go to Paris again. It was beautiful and had a calming feel to it. Also, it's the city of love

What is one place that you have traveled to and what did you like and dislike about it?
Well, like I said, I've traveled around. So I'm gonna say London, I like how it's like a higher society than America.
And I like the history in there, as well as the accents, and I even got to see the palace. I guess I dislike how cold it was when I was there. But other than that. I liked it

Do you know what a Landline is?

Not a clue

Do you keep a Diary or Journal? Why or Why not?
I used to, and it's so much fun to read it and see how I wrote and how I felt about things. Also, I learn new things about myself and my past when I read it. I kinda have one now, but I don't write in it. I really only wrote when I felt like I was gonna explode with emotions that I couldn't keep in. So I really don't write in it that much. Besides, I can just rant on about my feelings to WolfGalaxiaOwl

Do you stand up for your friends if their ever tease mocked or bullied? Why or why not?
If their close friends then I will gladly kill the person who is making them upset. If their not close friends then I tend not to, having anxiety can be tough and can make it hard to stand up for people unless I really care for them.
But yea, if someone had the guts to mess with one of my close friends then I would not hesitate to stand up for my friends.

Do you play an instrument? If so, then which one and give us a reason why you play it.
I play the Trombone. I play it cause my dad plays lots of instruments besides the trombone and I wanted to beat him in playing it. And I did

What is your favorite flower?
Roses! I mean just look at them!

What is your favorite flower?Roses! I mean just look at them!

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Favorite Disney animated movie?That's gonna have to be Ariel

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Favorite Disney animated movie?That's gonna have to be Ariel. I love the animation, the way she looks, the songs, the villain, the whole movie

What cartoon did you watch as a kid and still like to this day?
Phineas and Ferb. I stayed up so late to watch that

Opinion on Anime? Otaku or no?
I love the way that they are animated, other than that I don't watch Anime.

How do you respond when someone is mean to you?
Play it off and act like I don't care. But on the inside it'd be tearing me apart

What is your favorite Nintendo game? (And if you don't play Nintendo then pick a favorite video game)
I don't play video games that much, and I don't play Nintendo. But if I had to chose then Mario Karts

Are you a shining star? Or do you have stage fright?
I can act like a shining star, but I have horrible stage fright

Which fictional character do you think is most like you and why?
That's a tough one...but if any of you know Voltron then you'll know who I'm talking about. Lance. I guess cause I'm a natural flirt, can get into arguments kinda to easily, and have a lot of fears and dark thoughts that is wonderfully hidden

Are you into bands? If so then which one is your favorite?
Panic at the disco, and every other musical.

Which one do you like better, puppies or kittens?
Puppies! They are so cute!!!!!

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
I want to join the military. I love America (although we all know it needs to be fixed) I still like it, and I want to help protect it. And my great grandfather was in a war and is still looked up to with respect from like everyone in my family, even though He's not with us anymore. (Although I'm considering any field for the military. Not only the whole charging into battle one. There are others to chose from)

What do you think is your most defining quality and why?
My anxiety without a doubt. It controls you in all ways. The way you think, the way it act, the way you live. It's not something I enjoy or wish on anyone.

Tagging people time

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