Leaving The Hell In White

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To say I was stressed would be an understatement. This God forsaken hospital was the definition of Hell in white. The food was shitty, and the nurses were almost unbearable. Everyone treated me like a child. Well I still was, seventeen isn't exactly grown, but it was just ridiculous. My parents won't stop crying. They're blaming themselves for my accident, when we all no they had nothing to do with it.

They're finally releasing me today, just waiting on my discharge papers to finalize. Apparently I was living with my boyfriend, but my parents wanted me to stay with them. Its sad actually, they all treat me like a nut case who might break down at any moment. With the way things are going I might.

The Doctors and my parents said my attitude changed drastically. Said I used to be bold and more aggressive. Now I'm shy, quite, and timid. I guess I could believe that by the way they all looked shell shocked when I busted out crying when a nurse drew my blood. Apparently I never cried before. I blame it on the hospital.

When the papers came back and it was time to leave, Josh helped walk me to the elevators. My parents said they'd be right back, something about signing for prescriptions. After they left Josh mumbled he had to use the restroom and scurried his way down the hall. I didn't realize that I was standing in front of the elevators until I was knocked over, falling with an ungraceful thud.

"Fuck! Hey are you ok, i'm so sorry I didn't see you."

I felt arms wound around my waist pulling me up. My boobs were awkwardly squashed against the strangers hard chest. Fingers gripping his biceps for dear life, I finally snapped out of my daze and looked up. I sucked in a quick breathe, this man was dangerously gorgeous.

Dark spiky hair, honey brown eyes with the longest eyelashes I've ever seen on a man. Thick stubble coated his cheeks and around his mouth, with a tattoo running down the side of his neck. He had a strong jaw with high cheek bones. I was too busy checking him out that I didn't quite catch what he said.

"Love, are you ok?"

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I said are you ok? They only time I got people falling over is from my fist, not my chest." He said with a smirk.

I looked at him incredulously and blinked a few times. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"So whats your name cutie?" He spoke with a deep husky baritone.

"A-anastasia, but everyone calls me Ana.." I said nervously.

He smiled a gorgeous smile and raised a perfectly bushy eyebrow. He leaned in and his lips brushed my cheek.

"I'm not everyone, Stasia..." He whispered in my ear, whiskers around his mouth tickling the side of my cheek. He pulled away and just then did I notice the blood trickling down the side of his neck. I gasped and took a step back.

"Sir-..." I started.

"Ambian..." He piped.

"Ambian, your bleeding!"

He laughed and nodded his head taking a few steps back.

"Well, I am here for a reason..." He said full of sarcasm. I blushed and dropped my gaze knowing that, that was a stupid question to ask. He lifted my chin with his fingers and gave me a wink.

"So what hap-...."


I whirled around to find Josh staring between Ambian and I. He had an indifferent look on his face with a frown. He walked up to us and put his arm around my waist. I awkwardly pushed him off, but not before he gave me a stern look.

"Who is this?" He questioned.

"Oh uhm, this is Ambian." I said with a forced smile.

"I don't care what his name is, who is he to you?" He practically growled in my face.

I stumbled away from him slightly backing up into Ambian's chest. He gripped my hip lightly and glared at Josh with a heated stare, you could practically cut the tension with a knife.

"First of all, yell at her again estúpido and ill distort that pretty boy face of yours. And second, don't worry about who I am. Its none of your fucking business bueno?" He spat at Josh.

I felt him slip something into the back of my pocket but I didn't dare reach to see what it was.

"Ill see you later Stasia...." He said before giving my hip a light squeeze and walking away.

"Stasia? Ana you better stay away from him and i'm not playing with you, am I understood!" He spoke with venom lace in his words. I nodded my head and looked down the hall.

I saw my parents walking this way and sighed in relief. I didn't like this Josh, he was acting wierd and mean. Not like the guy who was in my room an hour ago caring and soft spoken.

We all got into the elevator and waited till it went down to the lobby. Once we got out, we all filed into my dads Suv and headed home, but not before dropping Josh off. He promised he'd be by tomorrow to visit me and make sure I was all right. He gave my cheek a wet kiss and I internally cringed, while giving him a forced smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe."

I nodded and he shut the door. We pulled off and head home. There was a tense atmosphere between my parents and I. It felt as if we didn't know each other.

"Uhm, mom?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes sweetie?"She turned around and asked.

"Why was I living with Josh? I mean I'm only seventeen, still a senior?"

"Honey, you wanted to live with Josh? You fought us tooth and nail for it! We tried to get you to stay but you were so persistent on going."

I was confused on why they'd let me stay with him. Who does that? For heaven sake im only seventeen years old!

"Oh okay...."

I turned back to the window and stared out at the scenery. The stars twinkled bright in the sky, a few clouds here and there. The ride didn't last much longer and when we finally got there, I was exhausted. My Dad helped me trudge up to my room, which happen to be quite bare. Almost all of my stuff was gone, a few things were left but nothing to indicate someone lived here.

"Well here you are sweetie, do you need help with anything else?" He asked.

"No dad, I'm fine."

He gave a tight smile then walked out closing the door behind him. I sighed and sat down on the bed, hearing the sound of something crumpling beneath me. I reached back and pulled out some paper. It was the thing Ambian had stuck in my pocket. A phone number was written on it, had I had no doubt in my mind that it was his. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to him before heading to bed.


Is this your number?
Not even a minute later I got my answer.



;) Stasia....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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