Chapter 5

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YOONBUMS P.O.V.                                                                                                                                                                    

I've decided to go for a Sunday walk. It releaved stress. I throw on a black shirt, grey jeans, and a sweater that was much too big for me. I throw on my sneakers and grab my keys and its out the door I go. I don't understand who my Step-Father is. He changes. Alot. In the morning he's the best dad ever. But in the night hes gone and comes back wasted and abusive. Things were already stressful with my REAL DAD being dead and all. It impacted my mom alot. And it took her a lot to move on and find someone new. 

The people walking past looked so happy. And it made me sick. But my feelings enlightened when I saw him. Oh Sangwoo. "Shit!" I say as I duck behind a tree and watch him walk past carrying groceries. He too wore a sweater that was too big for him. But god damn he looked sexy in it. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to follow him. I knew that I'd be in trouble and what it'd cost me. But I just couldn't fight the urge. I put on my hoodie and begin walking in sangwoos direction, keeping a low profile. My stomach falls out of my asshole as I couldn't believe what  I was doing. Sangwoo stops and turns around. My heart races as I take out my phone and try my best to look normal. He continued to stare at me so I walk across the street and continue walking. Sangwoo shrugs and turns to walk. I slow down so that I could see where he was going.

After 5 minutes of following sangwoo he stops and walks into a nice looking house. I jog across the street and stop at his gate. I take out my phone and turn on my camera and zoom in on what he was typing in his keypad.


Sangwoo was inside of the house. And I got my video for next time...


I don't know why but I just couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following me. I swore that no one would find out about my game. No one. I take my shoes off and walk into the kitchen, placing my bags on the table. I lived alone. But no one knew that. And I wanted to keep it that way. I grab the groceries out of the bag and place them where the needed to be. I go my room and lay down on my bed, thinking about why I have an annoying girlfriend and shitty ass friends. I think about what I could've done to deserve this. It made me angry. I wanted to kill. And I knew the perfect victim.

    Masturbating didn't make anything better. But I did it anyways. After that I took a shower and stayed in the bathroom for about an hour thinking about life and why it matters (In the hands of his victims though). A smile breaks out on my face as I think about my plans for Yoonbum.


I was back home. In my room. As always. But it felt good to be back in my bed. Although i'd much rather be in Sangwoos bed. I couldn't believe I actually did it. I cant believe I actually followed Sangwoo home. I wanted to go back. I wanted to see what he did when he wasn't at school. Part of me wanted to see him naked. But the other 50% of me thought that I was being a creep and disgusting. It was true. I was. I got the password to his house. Now all I needed to do was make a plan. I needed one so that I would be in less risk of being caught. It's not like I could waltz right up to him and say "Hey can I come over?" Although I wanted to, I just couldn't.

  Sangwoo was precious to me. And I can't let anything happen to him. No matter what. I'd kill for him. I grip my sheets in anger. "If ANYTHING Happens to Sangwoo, I won't be able to live with myself." That girl. What was her name? What does she want from Sangwoo? She was always around him. And that pissed me off. I hated it. No No. I hated HER! I wanted to grip her hair and bash her head against a wall a thousand times. I wanted to make sure she was bleeding and at my feet. I wanted her dead. I WANTED HER DEAD!

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