The beginning

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As I watched everyone on stage do their own thing I sat in the back not knowing what to do with my self.

As I was watching a hand brushed my shoulder. I looked up and saw him. He was gorgeous. Hazel eyes and brown hair.I.Melted.

"Yes" I said. "Can I sit here". he asked as I sliped to the side. He sat and started a conversation. "Sorry. Im Jake and you are? " he asked. "Im Kim." I said.

"So I heard there is a new family coming here." "Do you come here often?" "Sometimes when my mom drags me." "Well you should come more often. He said

Well I gotta go see you later Kim." "Bye Jake." And again there I was alone sitting bored out of my mind. I heard the guy on stage introducing the new family I was ready to walk out when I turned around to see Jake on stage.

I was shocked I haven't seen him there before but I didnt think he was in the family they were going to introduce.

More chapters on there way guys :-) please leave comments. Thnks.

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