A few hours later

I woke up to banging on the front door.
I moan and sit up and look around and see a note on the table saying they had to run errands. I rub my hands down my face with the continuous knocking i finally get up and walk to the door. It flung open and tony walked through i sigh i seriously don't have enough will to live to deal with him today.
He started off yelling "why aren't you in school and why did you leave early yesterday yeah that's right the school calls me still" i don't say anything i just lean against the wall he said "peter talk to me okay i have barely seen you in a week and when i have you've looked terrible what's going on" i sigh and say "nothing okay can you just please leave and come back another time" he said "no i'm your father too i have a right to know what's going in your life especially when it comes to your education" i say "okay fine i left early because i passed out and was in the hospital the rest of the day and half of the night and i didn't go today because hu i'm still freaking tired now that you know can you please leave so i can go back to sleep" he sighed and said "fine but i'll be back later" and then he walked out of the door and closed it.
I lock it and walk back to the couch and lay down and get into the same position i was in before and fell back asleep.

I don't wake up until the sun is down and the whole place is silent.
I sit up and look around and then sigh and then get up and walk out of the apartment and downstairs and sat outside for a while. There was no point in trying to sleep because i was wide awake and my mind was going crazy for some reason i have slept so much this past week it could be considered hibernation.

The next morning

I get ready to go to school when steve comes out.
He said "you sure i'm okay with you staying here another day" i nod and say "i've already missed a lot and i feel fine today so" he nodded and said "well if you stop feeling fine call me and i'll pick you up" i nod and then walked downstairs and got into my car and drove to michelle's place.
She looked surprised to see me and i said "so like are you gonna get in or" she smiled and got in and then i started driving.
She said "how come how can you be gone for two day's and still understand what to do it's like not fair okay i officially hate you" i laugh and said "okay then i guess you don't want to go out to eat tonight at your favorite place" she said "oh really do you know where that place is" i said "no that's why i didn't name it" she smiled and said "i would if i could but i have a family thing again" i nod and say "guess it's more food for me then" she smiled and nodded and then we went to studying for the math test tomorrow.

I park outside the building but see tony's car and instantly pull away. I drive to the ice cream place hoping to see wade.
I did see him but he was laughing and holding hands with who i'm guessing is his boyfriend god peter why do you screw everything up. I pull away and park in that abandoned parking lot again.
I hear my phone ringing i look to see it's steve i answer and he said "hey school ended at like 2:11 where are you" i said "me and michelle are at the library we have a math test but i'm getting ready to leave right now" he said "okay well tony is here" i sigh and he said "he wants you to move back into the house still" i said "oh" and then he said "but you don't have to if you don't want to me and bucky like having you around" yeah puking all over their stuff coming home drunk hardly even being there.
"Peter you still there" i say "yeah i'm still here i'll be there in a second" he said "okay" and then i hung up and ran a hand through my hair and then drove over there.

I decided to move back in with tony not because i've suddenly had a change of heart but because i miss my bed.
I am laying in it right now when the door opens and i say "whoever it is get out" and then i heard a little giggle and i say "if your the kid you especially better get out" i heard a sigh and then the door closed again and i sigh and put headphones in and then my phone rang. I answer and say "hello" i heard "can you come pick me up please" it was wade i say "yeah of course where are you" he said "at that ice cream place from the other day" i say "i'm on my way" and then hung up and got up and left my room.
I heard "peter where do you think your going without even asking" i don't say anything i just walk out the front door and to my car.
I pull up to the ice cream place and see wade he looked upset and i get out and walk inside and he smiled at me and i smile back i walk over and sit down and say "everything okay" he looked down and said "yeah i just i've been thinking" i said "that's never good" he smiled at me again and said "i know right anyway so i've been thinking and it's totally a coincidence that me and you keep running into each other right" i nod and he said "but what if it's not" i say "i swear i'm not following you wade" he laughed and said "i know peter nobody is following anyone i think it's fate okay i think the first time around it was rushed you had just gotten out of a bad relationship and i wasn't really myself and neither were you but now that we've given ourselves time and you seem to be in a good place and i've been in a good place what if what if we tried again" i said "but what about your boyfriend" he sighed and said "he broke up with me he could tell i wasn't really fully into him i mean don't get me wrong he was sweet and nice and was a great person in general but he's not you" i look him in the eye's and he had hope in his eye's and of course i wanted to but what happens when i'm not okay anymore i can't put him through that again i just.
I look down and say "wade" he looked down too and i look up and say "i want to be with you trust me i love you more then you realize it's just i've gotten my emotions under control most of the time but some day's just aren't good especially with stephen around" he said "and i'll be with you through those day's i love you peter everything about you good or bad" i smile and say "okay then yes i would really like to try again" he smiled and then leaned over and kissed me and this time it felt different it felt real for once.

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