Enemies with a Secret (Matthew Espinosa fan fic / imagine / short story)

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“Your such a dick!” I shouted, throwing a book at Matt.

Matt Espinosa – the biggest idiot I’ve ever met in my life. “Did you really just throw a book at me?” he laughed, rubbing his arm. “Yeah, I did” I huffed, throwing my stuff in my bag and storming over to the door. Just then, I felt something hit my back. I looked to the floor, to see a rubber lay there. I looked back up at Matt who was smirking at me.

If he didn’t have such a god damn cute smile, I’d have wiped that smirk clean off his face.

“Do you want to take a picture babe? It’d last longer” he smiled.

I hadn’t even noticed I’d been staring…

“Did you just throw a rubber at me?” I asked, trying to change the topic…

“Yeah, I did” he said; imitating what I said earlier on. I groaned, “Why are you such a dick?” I asked, throwing my arms up in the air. He laughed, sitting back on the desk and crossing his arms. “What could you possibly be laughing at?” I asked. “Why are you so angry?” he laughed. “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you spend your life winding me up? you’re constantly taunting me Matt and you don’t understand how much it upsets me… people look up to you and copy what you say and do and you don’t get it, you might think it’s absolutely hilarious but it’s not” I said, pushing back the tears. “It’s funny how worked up you get about it” he replied, chuckling.

I threw my bag across the room. “It’s not funny!” I shouted. “Woah, don’t get angry” he smirked. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I shouted, storming over to the desk. “You’re kinda hot when your mad” he smirked. I screamed, before grabbing everything I could reach on the teacher’s desk and throwing it towards him, doing my best to hit him…

But it failed, I am so bad at throwing. “You’ve got a shit throw, you know that?” he said, throwing a pencil sharpener up in the air that I’d just thrown at him, then catching it again. “And you’re a dick, you know that?” I asked, leaning on the wall and crossing my arms. “I know babe, you’ve told me 3 times now” he replied, crossing his arms again.

I walked over to him, standing in front of him, “I don’t even understand why you hate me so much? Like, what have I ever done to deserve this?” I sighed, crossing my arms. He smiled, “What makes you think I hate you?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. “Erm, I don’t know, the fact that you pretty much bully me every day” I replied, throwing my arms up. “Hey, I don’t bully you, I just try and have a joke and obviously you don’t have a sense of humour” he laughed. “You’re not even funny” I said, punching him in the arm. “And you punch like a bitch” he said, shoving me back. I punched him again, putting all of my energy into it, this time managing to knock him to the side slightly. He looked up at me, “I swear to god Cody, I am not above punching a girl, I dare you to hit me one more time” he snarled, standing up and walking up to me. I’d never noticed how tall he actually is, I had to look up at him. I shoved him back, “Get out of my face!” I shouted, turning around and storming over to the door. I was stopped by being forcefully span around and slammed into the wall. I looked up to see Matt staring down at me… he looked angry, maybe I’d gone too far with getting aggressive at him… he looked like he wanted to hit me… “Go on then, do it” I said. He caring on staring down at me… “I know you’ve wanted to do it for ages anyway, just do it” I said. He swung his hand back, as I squeezed my eyes shut… I waited, and it didn’t happen, I slowly opened my eyes, just to see him leaning towards me, before I knew it, his lips were on mine…

Oh my god, am I really kissing him? I hate him?

I reached my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back…

Looks like I am…

After a couple of minutes, he pulled away, looking down and smiling at me, his hands rested on my waist… “You’re right, I’ve wanted to do that for ages…” he smiled.

Enemies with a Secret (Matthew Espinosa fan fic / imagine / short story)Where stories live. Discover now