What just happened?

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Ruby's POV: stupid testing. Half the students had nothing to do, so the teachers put us in the auditorium. Third speaker this week. I sit in a seat close to the front . Still can't see. I pull my glasses from the dusty pink double pocket of my hoodie and put them on. Better, i can see now. I pull the hood up over my head.. Soon a man is on stage. God, he looks like he did his hair with a flamethrower. His clothes are old and worn, or maybe just worn. Claw marks taken from his vest, his shirt nearly non existent, his khaki pants dirty with just about everything. His face look liked an even cockyer and younger Han Solo. when he began talking it was jibber jabber about dragons, yay another weirdo. He begins in manticors and keplies. He then seems to notice my hoodie and jumps off the stage and looked my dead straight in the eyes and said "I finally found you." um, what? "You've been looking for me?" I had to question him, who would be looking for me of all people? I see my friend freeze next to me. "Your the only one who can care for them! Your the master! Kinda small, but other than that the phoenixes were right!"

I do that weird thing where i rapidly shake my hands in front of me. He sees this as a stress signal and steps back so he's not nose to nose to me. His face drops at my confusion "you don't know, come to me after and we'll talk." after his presentation he pulls me and my friend, Bokkie, behind the curtains(I made my friend come because i didn't want to be alone with this stranger) he pulls over some chairs and sits us down and tells me everything. "Im not from here, im from a place called "starshine" at least that's what it translates to. Anyway you are the Master of the Tricos. Your friend could be that advisor the elders talked about, but that parts blurry. There could be two masters? Whatever, here." he picks up a large bag from behind him and handed it to me. Then jumped up, "come on you two, I need you to come with me." I look at Bokkie, who shrugs. We follow him out of the school and to a large jeep. A small dragon slithers from the roof and onto the man's shoulder, squeaking and grumbling to him, he nods and growls back. He opens the door and pulls out two eggs, twice the size of a ostrich egg. They were emerald in color and had black markings all over them. "Take care of them." he says. Then in a flash of light he, the jeep, and the dragon are gone. Oh god... what have I been roped into now?

Bokkie's POV:

It was nothing but another day. Ruby and I have been best friends since forever and we were watching someone do their presentation. It wasn't bad or anything, just a bit boring because it was about mythical creatures, which I knew a lot about. Next minute he gets off stage looking at Ruby and I straight in the eyes, the feeling of being looked at made me incredibly woozy so I froze. He had told Ruby and I that " we were the only ones who could care for them." Whatever that meant, I was already yanked behind the curtains with Ruby and this guy. I wasn't listening to the other parts because I had blanked out in my own head. Next minute we were seated down and he had told us that he was from a different place called "starshine." He noticed I looked like I had just seen a ghost, so he assured me that he wasn't going to hurt us or anything, I felt a little more comfortable. He went on with his part of the story. Anyways I wasn't listening because I got distracted by a distinct clicking sound. Probably just a bird. Just then he handed Ruby a large bag that was behind him and said "Come on you two, I need you to come with me." Ruby looks at me and I just shrug. All I know is he had said something about a mythical creature called the trico- a graceful giant capable of killing us within seconds if it pleases. We follow him until we reach a white jeep, where a dragon slithers from the roof and perches on his shoulder, making a familiar squeaking and clicking sound. Next he pulls out two emerald green eggs, which are bigger than an ostrich egg, marked with beautiful black markings. He tells us "Take care of them" then in a flash, him, the dragon and the jeep had disappeared from sight. Oh my Lord what have I gotten into now.. I really should've listened but, I didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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