The desperados. 

They were bandits. Originally they were the protectors of the village, lead by the chief. They still protected the village, but lately they’ve turned to burning, pillaging and burning trade caravans, just for fun. They stole everything, calling it providing for the village.

Here comes one now.

Pyrus slowed down once he saw Patch, a friend and a Desperado. She had gotten her name from being the healer of the Deperados. The trick was instead of making willpower an object, she once explained, you make it a living force to heal the wounds. .Wearing the traditional black garb, she was kneeling by the well, gathering water.

Not all of them were evil, just a majority though.

Smiling at her, he whistled to get her attention. Looking up at the noise she saw him, and smiled back.

“Hey Pyrus. After last night, I’m surprised you’re even able to be up right now.” She winked while saying this, and Pyrus felt the heat flood his face.

“Well it is my coming of age today, so they kinda need me there. As much as I wish they could it without me...”

He shrugged the last part. Walking over, she dropped the bucket of water and gave him a small hug. She smelled like a campfire.

I could get used to this.

Smiling again, Pyrus brushed her black hair away from her delicate looking face. On the inside though, she was one of the toughest, meanest, I-will-kick-your-ass-into-next-week girls he had ever known.

Not like that’s saying much. As much as I love working in the clan forge, I don’t think that’s the best way to meet a girl.

“Remind you of last night?”

Oh. My. God. That’s so low.

His expression must have been amazing, because after saying that she burst into laughter.


Speak, idiot. Words and sentences.

“Yeah last night was fun. I, uh, thought you would be at the ceremony though?”

What did I just say?

“Well I asked the chief and he said that he would like some tea after the ceremony, so I’m running all these errands for everyone. Did you know that emerald just bought a map of the entire world?! It cost two hundred Aurons. Can you believe that?”

What would she need that for?

“That’s insane. Oh, I forgot to ask, did anything interesting happen after I left?”

Good, we are now officially not babbling like an idiot.

“No not really. Do you even remember most of last night?”

“yeah, of course.  It was late in the evening and I was at the forge…”



Slam! God, it’s getting hot in here. And it’s supposed to be fall.

“Easy there, Pyrus. You’ll break the sword and then we’ll have to start all over again”

“Sorry, Hammer. I just can’t wait ‘til tomorrow. Ill finally have my gem.”

Slam! Slam!

Breathe in, bring the hammer up, and slam down!

“You have good form, and good power, but you lack patience. You must let the metal breathe. Here, soak the blade in water, and come with me to get a drink.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2012 ⏰

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