Nervous - part one

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A/N: Sorry this one starts out a little boring but hopefully the end makes up for it hehe😏😏 Enjoy!!


(Reece's POV)

Everyone had just handed their tests back to the teacher and I could tell by the look on his face, I didn't do well. I was sat next to two of my best mates, Hunter and Ethan. We were the most popular guys at school. It was still a little weird for me, considering at my old school I used to be one of the sidekicks and now I'm the popular jock with the sidekicks. I'm pretty used to it now though. The only thing I didn't like was that a single mistake could ruin my reputation, and I definitely don't want that.

"Reece, can I see you please." The teacher said bluntly.


I got out of my chair and went to the front of the class to see the teacher.

"I hope you're aware that if you fail one more class, you'll be held back next year." He raised his eyebrows.

I heard a few people chuckle from behind me but I chose to ignore it.

"No, that can't happen! Please, I really am trying." I begged.

"I'm sorry but you're the only one who can control that." He sighed. "The only thing beyond your choice is that we're giving you a tutor."

This time I heard a lot more people laughing. Did he have to speak so loud?!

"Do I get to choose who?" I asked. At least if I get to choose who it won't be as unbearable.

"Nope, we've already chosen. You'll be tutored by George."


"George, could you come up here please?" He called out.

I turned around to see a blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes stand up and walk towards me.

How did I not know about this George kid?

"Reece, this is George. George, this is Reece. You might want to spend lunch together and get to know each other considering you'll be spending a lot of time together." He said, too loud for my liking.

The laughs got even louder now and I just wanted to get out of here.

"Reece getting tutored by a nobody, that's gotta be embarrassing." I heard one girl laugh.

"There goes Reece's reputation along with his grades." Another girl laughed.

I turned around to see Hunter and Ethan sunk down in their chairs shaking their heads, obviously embarrassed to know me.

"For the rest of you, well done today. Class is dismissed." The teacher said.

I turned around quickly and grabbed my bags, exiting as fast as I could. I caught up to Hunter and Ethan who looked like they didn't want to be around me.

"Guys wait up!" I said, stopping in front of them, making them stop too. "What's wrong with you?!"

They just rolled their eyes.

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