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Hey guyz here is my raglak next os...... Trust me dedicating to user37910584

Sry for the late guyz ignore mistakes

Sceen begins in swara nd laksh mehandi function all r seeing happy there sanskar also there but here he didnt do anything against laksh marriage with swara... Seems everyone happy...

Oh no i can hear an sobbing sound of someone...its none other than our ragini she is crying bitterly holding some pics in her hand .... Her mbl ranged its showing private no...ragini connected through it bluetooth....she wiped her tears nd muttered in slow voice hello ..

Wt r u dg ragini ? Do wt i said opposite caller ordered her...no i cant ragini said while crying...if u dont follow my order then u will face more problems to ur loved once... Ragini remaind something when she failed to hear that person words that person pushed down dida from steps from that sec ragini scared alot ...

Ragini mixed some powder in swara juice nd gave it to swara .....ragini eyes filled with tears while swara drank that...i am sry swara she muttered slowly swara smiled back to her...laksh too noticed ragini face he saw some kind of guilt in her pretty eyes he is confused then flushed out when some guest approached him , ragini wiped her tears nd moved away she burst out in tears nd blurting out her situation helplessly...suddenly she got some order to dance infront of swara nd laksh...she starts to dance there without any option laksh admired her dance not only him but also everyone ... But for her surprice swara starts to dance like an mad ragini eyes widen in shock laksh trying to controll her but couldnt she ruined maheshwaries reputation... Then swara faint ...

Like ragini ordered that person order blindly for everyone safety , its dragged till mandap but for a change ragini didnt take swara to temple ... Swara went alone she didnt returned yet ragini heart beats raised randomly layer of fear raised in her...

Soon they got an vedio from swara like in sr....dp felt ashamed to chose an girl like swara for his son , laksh felt heart broken ...shekhar dragged ragini near to laksh nd asked him to marry her instead of swara... Raglak shocked to the core cz they didnt expected this ...dp too felt shekhar was right ap too compelled laksh...for family reputation laksh married raginii ...in these all ragini stood there helplessly cz she wish to stop them but that person ordered ragini to marry laksh orelse swara will never return to home

Thats an utter shock to ragini she was nump to save swara from that person she married laksh ...

All rituals were completed laksh drank in his first night like in sr ragini waiting for laksh impatiently cz she scared of that person may harm laksh too already she is hell worried for swara ...

She got an message to take laksh from hall she rushed down nd saw laksh was in drunken state , ragini eyes filled with tears ... She takes him to their room...same like in sr laksh bluttered all to ragini thinking her as swara ragini heart pinched hearing this all i am sry laksh she said with heavy heart ...already she was in guilt for snatching swara place nd breaking laksh heart that doesnt mean her love on laksh is vanished she is still loving him unconditionally ....ragini wiped her tears nd abt to go he held her wrist nd pulls her towards him , ragini landed on his chest ragini closed her eyes in his closeness swara face flashed on her mind she pushed him lil but laksh pulls her again nd coming closer to her in alcohol effect ragini trying to stop him by saying laksh laksh plz i am not swara its me ragini ..... Soon ragini got message to accept laksh ragini eyes widen wt ? How could i ? Ragini confused how do that person know wt is going on here ragini eyes scanned that room nd find cctv camera ...ragini shocked to the core....ragini eyes filled with tears , plz stop this i cant do this hoe could i loss my virginity ,

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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