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~Trinity's P.O.V~

"Ma'am, the plane is about to land. Please put your seat belt on." the flight attendant said, I sit up and put the darn thing on. Once I get off the plane, I meet up with my agent Stacy. "Hey Trinity, how was the flight?" she says hugging me, "It was good, I slept like a baby." "That's always good to hear. Come on my car is this way." We get to her car and put my stuff in the trunk.

We pull up to her office and walk in, "So let's start talking about your money. They gave you 900K pounds, that gives you enough to buy a car and a flat. After you buy that you should still have alot left over for whatever." "That's great! What about my family? I'm wanting to find them." I say, "Here's your birth certificate." She hands it to me and I open it up. My parents names are Bobby and Maura Horan and I have two older brothers, Greg and Oh. My. God! Niall! " Uh, I think you have the wrong one. It says that the Niall James Horan from One freaking Direction is my brother." I say, "No, that's the right one. I could get your mother's address if you would like." "Yes please." I say.

After she writes my mums address down, we go to find me a car. I ended up getting a light blue convertible GT Mustang. We then go to find me a flat "supposedly" close to my mum's house. Stacy leaves after helping me get my stuff all in the flat.

Taking a brake from unpacking, I go to find a Starbucks. I think we pasted one not to far from my flat, but man for living in London it sure is freaking hot. I ended up putting my top down to my car and then I head off to find a Starbucks.

Once I find one not far away from the flat, I park and go in. I order a Vanilla Bean and look for a table but every single table is taken, but a girl is waving her hand in my direction. I look behind me and then point at me, she nods her head and I walk over to her. "You can sit with me." she says,"Thank you." I say sitting down in the booth, " My name is Emily but you can call me Em." she says holding her hand out to shake, "Trinity but you can call me Trinity." I say shaking her hand, "You from Ireland?" she asks, "Yes. I actually just moved here." I say. We talk more and laugh some.

The guy brought me my drink and when he hands it to me, he winks and says, "Call me." I look at my cup to see a number, I roll my eyes and continue talking to Em. "So where do you live?" She asks taking a drink of her ice mocha, " I live in a flat not to far from here." I say putting my cup on the table, "So you drove that awesome car of yours anyways?" She says pointing to my car, " Well you see, its hot and I'm too lazy to walk. I mean I barely made it from the car to in here." I say, Emily laughs and says, "Omg! We are going to get along well!"

We exchange numbers and I go back to unpacking. Tomorrow, I'm going to apply for a job but it has to do with music. But most importantly I hope I find some of my family.

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