Wavering Amity (one shot)

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Neon lights glimmered on asphalt after the rain, highlighting the colors of the city as it continued to bustle with life at this late hour. The smell of the recent downpour hung in the air, allowing a certain calmness to the lively scene. Past an intersection there was a noticeable amount of commotion in an empty lot not far from one of the busier night clubs. Lazily parked in the space were three white and blue cars with cyan neons illuminating the dark lot. One of the cars was obviously vibrating from the amount of bass coming from its speakers. Within the circle, the drivers chatted as if the volume was hardly a problem, enjoying the atmosphere. Creating small little ripples in a puddle as he tapped his foot out of uneasiness, Kurt seemed rather distracted from the conversation Nolo and Karma were having next to him. A few nods here and there, but his eyes were locked on the streets. His mind was a little hazy from running around with Karma and Nolo-- they didn't often get together alone, but did so sometimes to hang out on their own downtown. Having gotten closer to Vert over the past year, Kurt did feel awkward leaving him behind to hang out with those in Teku that were actually his age.

Kurt snapped back to reality when he caught Nolo speaking to him, completely missing whatever he'd just been talking about.
    "...Is something wrong Kurt?"
    "Oh no, I'm fine." Kurt answered quickly, pulling his eyes away from the road.
    Karma glanced at Nolo then back to Kurt. "I thought you were enjoying tonight, didn't seem any different than before. You sure everything's fine?" She asked with light concern.
    Kurt shook his head and gave a light chuckle. "No, no I'm fine really. I just got a bit.. distracted."
    The two were quiet for a minute before Nolo spoke up again. "Well, it's getting pretty late. 1 a.m's kinda my limit right now, so I'm heading off. I'll catch you guys tomorrow, alright?"
    Kurt gave a nod and Karma said goodnight as Nolo returned to his car. The source of the booming music started to fade as he left the lot, reminding Kurt of the light headache he was distracting himself from. He groaned slightly, leaning against his car.

    "I'm going home now too Kurt, you should probably do the same." Karma said with a sympathetic expression.
    Kurt smirked, "Let me sober up a little and I'll be off, okay?"
    Karma rolled her eyes and said, "Stay safe."

    Kurt watched her leave the parking lot, taking the once noisy spot to a quiet halt. He could hear the light rumble of his car and the turned down music from inside. He slowly made his way to the driver's side and slumped into his seat. Even the bright lights of the interior design hurt his eyes, so he closed them quickly and simply sat there for a moment. He was competent enough to drive- that wasn't a problem for the most part. But just as his mind drifted he felt his phone vibrate. At such a late hour he didn't expect it to be anyone but one of his friends, so he took a look at it. It was Vert.

    "You still up?" The text read.
    "Yeah." Kurt sent back, not exactly hoping he'd be hearing from Vert tonight.
    Kurt waited for a reply. "I know you said you were busy today but if you're free now, we could hang... if you wanna meet me at the corner of Cedar and Beech? Past the highway."
    This was exactly what he felt guilty about-- hanging out with Nolo and Karma because they were his age, it left Vert out like it did today. On top of that, they were straight up lying about their plans in most cases to leave them out. And while in some cases Vert did end up being busy, it was always awkward when moments like these came up and he had to act like nothing was happening.
    "Yeah, sure. I'll be there in a minute."

    As Kurt slipped his phone back into his pocket, his hand resting on the clutch for a minute, he took a moment before starting his car. It was late, but he wanted to hang out with Vert- partly out of guilt. Kurt shook his head and quickly cleared the feeling from his mind, putting his car into gear and pressing his foot down on the pedal. His car quickly left the lot, taking a turn towards the corner he agreed to meet Vert at. The streets were starting to lighten up at this hour, giving him a quiet drive for a few blocks. The tires of his car easily riding over the damp asphalt of the street. At the next intersection Kurt took a right, heading further down the road and underneath the highway. The tall city buildings started to fade as the roads flattened out- the surroundings mostly consisted of dirt and shrubs, reminding Kurt that he was still in the deserts of southern California. Turning into the last street and towards the corner lot he planned to meet Vert at, he could already see the faint glow from the neons on his friend's car. As he pulled up Kurt saw Vert hanging outside of his car, turning in response to his Slingshot's tires treading on the gravel. Kurt parked his car next to his friend's and got out to greet him.

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