Chapter One

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Steve never told his parents that he could see color. He knew his dad wouldn't care much, his mom would freak out, make a big deal, call her parents, the neighbors, and probably the whole United States.

"My baby found his soulmate!" He could practically hear her screaming into the phone, while māma cried elated tears on the other end. Roger would tease him endlessly.

Yeah, he found his soulmate. He Just didn't know who it was.

You see, It's supposed to happen like this: you go through your life never seeing an ounce of color until one day you look into the eyes of your soulmate, and then boom! Color. It's this magical, fantastical moment where you find everything you've been hoping, dreaming, praying for.

Except that never happened for Steve. He didn't remember much from when the world was black and white; he's been able to see color since pre-k. He didn't even realize this was strange until he was seven years old, and his parents decided to give him the 'soulmate talk'.

"Honey," Francine began, reaching across the table to grab an uninterested Stan's hand, "one day you are going to meet someone very special-"

"As special as you, mama?" Steve had stopped scribbling on his paper and stared quizzically at his mother.

Francine gave him a soft smile, "even more special!" She gave a light tap to Steve's nose and he giggled. "You are going to meet them and they are going to change the world. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Steve's eyes grew wide, "really?"

Francine nodded. "Isn't that right Stan?" Stan took the cue and nodded along, "yep, sure is."

"Wow!" Steve had completely disregarded his crayons, this was big, no. Huge.

"They are going to make you see color!" Steve's smile faltered and he gave his mom a confused look. He already knew all the colors his teacher taught him: white, gray, and black. He guessed the other ones didn't have names. Francine continued, "color is magical, it makes the world so much prettier! Right now you see this" she picked up a dark red crayon, "in gray, but one day, when you meet your special someone, it will be red."

Steve was still confused because it wasn't grey, it was... well he didn't know what to call it. But it wasn't grey. She said it was red, maybe that was the name.

"And the best part? You are going to love them soooo much, and they are going to love you just as much! Just like mommy and daddy love each other." Steven gave her a perplexed look and grabbed the 'red' crayon. Francine gave him a sympathetic smile, "don't worry, sugar, one day you'll understand."

Steve frowned, he wanted to know now, "when?"

His mother turned to her husband and gave a loving sigh, "When you meet your soulmate."

So now eight years later at 15 years old Steve was stuck with a world bursting at the seams with color, and no soulmate. What a rip-off. He had looked tirelessly through his old elementary yearbooks, looking at every girl dreaming about them being his one true match. But inevitably it always fell through. He would hear them complain about not meeting their soulmate, or being jealous of their friend who did and now they won't stop bragging about how great he is and how wonderful color is.

It was even worse when they actually did find their soulmate. They would come to class all love struck, and everyone knew why. 'Did you hear that her and that kid on the soccer team are soulmates?" Yes, thanks to social media, everyone did.

How are you supposed to find your soulmate for a second time?

Of course, people did date, and sometimes even marry, outside of their soulmate. Hell, Haley and Francine dated tons of guys before finding Jeff and Stan. But deep down, Steve knew he couldn't bring himself to do it. He desperately want to be able to look at the girl he was with and just know that they were the right match. He wanted to know that god, or the universe, or fate, just something out there had meant for them to be together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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