Ch. 2

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Throughout the class, I try making conversation with Reece, but he keeps his answers short so I get the idea that he doesn't feel like talking. When the bell finally rings I sigh in relief. I quickly glance at Reece, who is slowly packing his books and taking out his schedule. He scans over it as he stands, and then looks at me, his face slightly surprised at the fact I was already looking at him. Crap, that's embarrassing.

"Um, do you know where, uh, G-geography with Mr Kans is?" He asks quietly. I smile at his slight stutter and nod.

"Course, I'll take you there if you want. I have Maths now." I offer, as we both exit the classroom.

"Well, um, if it isn't too much trouble that would be great, thanks." He mumbles. I internally awe at him. He's so bloody cute!

I take him with me, pointing out different locations of the school as we walk, him slowly nodding to everything I say. When we get to the class, I notice Blake walking towards us with Ali.

"Wait a sec, I'm going to introduce you to my friends, they're also in this class." I say. I notice Reece immediately tense and he looks slightly scared for a second. I brush it off and wait for them to walk up to us.

"Hey mate, how was English?" Blake says as he reaches up, fist bumping me. I roll my eyes.

"Is that even a question? It sucked." I partially lie, considering Reece's surprise appearance brightened the class up for me slightly. I greet Ali before turning to Reece.

"Reece, these are my friends, Blake and Ali. Guys, this is Reece, he's new." I introduce them to each other.

"Sup man, nice to meet you." Blake hold out his hand, but Reece doesn't shake it. I look at him confused, but he just looks at the floor. Thankfully, the bell rings in that second, breaking us from the awkwardness. Reece quickly goes into the classroom, sending me a small smile before doing so. Ali follows, and I grab Blake by the forearm right before he goes in.

"He's really shy. Don't push it too much." I warn him. He nods understandingly. I let him go and quickly make my way to Maths, already knowing I'm going to be marked down as late. As soon as I walk through the doors, the teacher stops talking and faces me.

"Ah Mr Smith, you're late. Again." He says with raised eyebrows. I mumble an apology before heading to the back of the class and sitting down on my own. I hate Maths.

By lunch I'm already knackered. I only had one other class with Reece, and he didn't say much throughout the entire hour. I may have underestimated how shy he really is. And honestly, it just attracts me more. He makes me want to find out about him, find out what has happened to make him so closed off.

I sit down in front of Blake in the cafeteria, but all I'm doing is trying to discreetly search for Reece. I can't see him anywhere, which makes me slightly confused. I don't notice Blake trying to catch my attention until he snaps his fingers in front of my face. I quickly turn to face him, my expression being one of confusion.

"Dude, did you listen to anything I was saying? Who were you even looking for?" He says with a slight chuckle. I look down at my food, trying to not give away who I was looking for. Who am I kidding, Blake can read me like an open book.

"You're not looking for that Reece guy, are you?" He says, a small smirk forming on his face. I feel my face heat up as I furiously shake my head.

"No, of course not." I say quietly. He continues smirking but doesn't say anything else. I continue eating, trying my best not to space out. It still confuses me that the blonde boy is not at lunch though.


The afternoon classes couldn't have possibly gone slower. I didn't see Reece again, and I was surprisingly disappointed about that.

After realising that I was disappointed, I zoned out of my history class and began thinking; I couldn't  possibly have a crush on him already, could I? No, it's probably just an attraction. I should feel more scared, after everything that happened with...him. But I'm not. Something is different about Reece. I feel the need to find out about him, get to know him.

I sigh.  I've known him for less than a day and he's already causing me to get distracted in class.

Hey guys!

If you're reading this story, thank you! I know these first few chapters haven't been the longest, but I'm working on it haha. I also wrote this in a Science class the other day so if there are any spelling mistakes it's cause I didn't wanna get caught oops.

Anyways, thank you for reading, next part will be up soon!

《  shy ~ greece, nhc 》{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now