Battle |Chapter 12|

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- Rin's POV -

I hate this guy....I won't forgive him after what he did to me and Kaneki. My ears kept ringing, as the alarm blared louder, and I was forced to squint as a cloud of dust rose up from the ground.

"I hate to feel useless but my Kagune is disabled from our fight, so you two are gonna have to fight..." The black haired girl muttered, I could tell she held doubt and grief in her eyes.

"I honestly didn't think the three of you would pair up, shame on me to be honest..." A voice could be heard from the dust cloud, and once it cleared out it was revealed to be the blonde haired guy from before.

Kaneki pushed himself to the front of the group, as he stood beside me, ready to fight.

"We're escaping, even if we have to fight to...uh....the death...death battle...?!" I was unsure of my choice of words, but I just wanted to say something cool for once.

"Fair enough, let's begin then." The blonde haired guy bared a smirk...his smirk had fangs poking through, and without warning a skinny, black demon tail slithered out from behind his shirt.

"He's a demon!?" Kaneki and I burst out at the same time, in sync, and my eyes widened.

"Aha...this'll be fun..." The blonde haired guy, that was now revealed to be both a demon and a ghoul sneered, as his right eye turned to Kakugan.

Before me or Kaneki even got the chance to move, within a heartbeat, both me and Kaneki were covered in these crystal like shards. We both looked like pin cushions, before they exploded almost on contact. I screeched, as I bled from the wounds, they weren't too big but they stung badly!

"Rin, he's a high speed ghoul, I'll block, do your best to dodge, Okay..?!" I heard Kaneki call to me, as I watched the red tentacles come out of his back once again.

I nodded, as my blue flames appeared on me again, it felt really weird not fighting with my actual this is actually really hard.

"Teamwork, how cute..." The blonde haired guy muttered, "I like the effort, but unfortunately it's not gonna work..."

"Huh..?" I was confused, until I heard Kaneki screech.

"Rin, get out of the way now!!!" Kaneki screeched, as his red tentacles were now covered in brown ooze, and they were directing themselves at me.

I felt as if my heart had just exploded, as I jumped out of the way. I gasped a bit, as the sudden shock had left me paralyzed in the air, until I landed.

The blonde haired guy burst out into laughter, as he gave off a piercing glare. He also had these red wing like structures, that looked like flames coming out of his shoulders. It looked like the things Kaneki had, except different.

"You think burning that type of demon will do anything?! Those demons need full flame force not your puny sparks!" The blonde haired guy chuckled, almost running out of breath.

I growled a bit in frustration, but looked at Kaneki hopefully.

- Kaneki's POV -

I had forced my tentacles to go away, after having them taken over by the brown ooze demon, "I'm not risking you getting hurt, Rin..."

There was a long pause,  but I quickly ran to Rin, realizing the guy was about to strike us with another attack from his Ukaku Kagune. I was hit by the projectiles instead of Rin, as I shielded him as best as I could. I clenched my teeth as pain seeped through my now pierced flesh.

"Rin...I have a plan...but just promise me, you'll run..." I whispered, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I'm not leaving you behind!" Rin made an outburst, grabbing me by the shoulders and gripping me tighter.

"I'll...I'll be right behind you, if you just run..!" I protested, because I technically wasn't lying, I just wasn't sure if this plan of mine would go smoothly.

Rin hesitated a bit, before finally giving in, "You better be or else....or else...I'll think of some way to punish you...?!"

"Fair enough." I smirked, grabbing Rin and shoving him very far away from me.

"Hey!" Rin yelped, falling to the floor, practically near the exit area I would try to create was.

Alright then...I haven't used this in a while, let's just hope I've not forgotten how it works. I closed my eyes, pierced by some more of the Ukaku projectiles, before I could feel myself slowly slipping away from sanity. A purple mask that covered bits of my face formed, my eyes turned white and two purple and red Kagunes shot out of my back, which looked like centipedes. This was my half Kakuja....

- Rin's POV -

'What in the world is happening..?! Kaneki has more of those...things? this even still Kaneki..?' I wondered, my ears picked up this sadistic laughing coming from Kaneki.

Within a split second, Kaneki was probably going at light speed, towards the blonde haired guy. The smirk was wiped right off his face, as he tried to shoot at Kaneki, But his attacks were nothing compared to earlier.

"Half Kakuja....I wasn't prepared for this..!" The blonde haired guy panicked, he started to run but he was no match for Kaneki's speed.

"Centipede....eradicate!!!!" Kaneki almost hissed, he gave a wide grin as he pierced his....enemy...Wait.

Someone had jumped down before the attack even hit the blonde haired guy, it was the red haired girl from earlier! My jaw dropped, as a giant hole was torn through her entire stomach.

"K-kill...the demon....n-not my friend..." The red haired girl stuttered, as she coughed out blood.

My jaw dropped Open, and my eyes widened more than ever. I could tell even through Kaneki's current state, he knew what he had just done.

- Kaneki's POV -

I snapped back into reality, met with the dull eyes of the red haired girl from earlier. Was she dead? No. Wait. Stop! What have I done!? I forced my Kakuja to go away, as tears started to stream down my face, while the mask disintegrated.

"Friend...I don't need a friend I don't even know!" The blonde haired guy grunted, he was about to break down the wall, broke down for him...?

The wall burst open, and it crumbled, all I saw through my watery gaze was many bullets connect into the blonde haired guy's body, and he screeched.

"You're not getting away after taking my brother and student...filthy demon..." A new voice announced in a low tone, as a guy with glasses glared at the scene....I know him.

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