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video starts recording at 20:09:45, 29/08/2015

Peeling blue walls and the hint of a photograph in a dark wooden frame were the only things the video camera was capturing. It was on but not yet recording, and it had been adjusted and readjusted more than once.

If it had been recording, it would have heard the sound of something crashing, most likely a glass bottle of beer, and the even more audible yelling of 'fuck!'.

The pipes groaned as a tap was turned on somewhere in the apartment, and there was the continual muttering of profanities that the video camera would have only just been able to pick up.

Tap off, and a peeling blue wall wasn't the only thing that the camera could see anymore. A man with extremely bright orange hair was positioning a chair in what he thought to be in the middle of the camera's field of view.

He went up to the camera, checked it, then went back to the chair, fixing it again. There was a bandage on right his hand, and for a brief moment he paused, his shoulders slumped, his face flushed and contorted in pain.

The record button on the camera was pressed, and the man sat down in the chair, unable to look into the eye of the camera. He fiddled with his fingers, and swore absentmindedly, looking up at the ceiling as if for consolation.

"Today be the twenty ninth of August, in the year of two thousand and fucking fifteen." The man paused and laughed bitterly. "Time? Well, looking at the non existent clock on the wall, I suppose it'd be around eight. And why would you care what time it was anyway?"

There was silence for a long time as the man, whose name was Ed, tried to compose himself, continually running his hand through his hair, agitation obvious on his face. The camera filmed on.

"A year." Ed muttered, his body shaking. "A year since I met you, a year since I realised that every love that I had felt before paled in comparison to the love that I felt for you."

A beat of quiet.

"God damn you Winnie!" Ed groaned, rocking forward, his head touching his knees, muffling his words. "Everything that I want... That I wanted doesn't even matter because I want you and I can't want you anymore than I need you because you're wanted and needed by that fool-"

Sobbing, Ed sat up, for the first time his bloodshot blue eyes looking into the camera. "I can't... I wish I could tell you, Winnie, but telling you would ruin everything, and despite how I feel I'd never want to ruin your happiness..."

"But I can't deny it, Winn, you're my only one." Ed said softly.

video stops recording at 20:15:23, 29/08/2015

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