chapter six

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hey guys so btw this story takes place during the Spiderman homecoming time BUT CIVIL WAR DID NOT HAPPEN :))


The next day at school I struggled to stay awake in class. "Peter? Are you alright? You never called me back last night."

"Oh, sorry Ned. Just, um, family problems."

"Oh, please. How could you have family problems. You've got the coolest dads in the world!" Oh, little did he know. Suddenly, Flash slammed his books down on my desk. "So you guys coming to my party tonight?"

"Haha, very funny." Like he would ever invite us to a party. "No really. I feel bad about what happened yesterday, and I wanted to make it up to you." Wow. Was Flash actually being nice?

"We'd love to!" Ned answered, before I even had a chance to think. "Great see you there!" And with that, he was gone.

"Ned! What were you thinking? We can't just go to a party."

"Oh, come on Peter. This is finally our chance to fit in! We have to go!"

"Okay, fine, but I'll have to ask my dad, and you know how he is." There was no way Dad would let me go after what had happened last night.


After school I went straight home. I knew if I wanted to go to this party I would have to be on my best behavior. "Well look who's home," Dad said as I walked in the room. "How was school?"

"Much better. So, um, I have a question." Dad sat down, sipping his cup of coffee, "I'm all ears."

"So, there's this, um party tonight, and um, I was wondering if I could maybe, like, go?" I prepared myself for an immediate no.

"Sure. I don't see why not?" This took my by surprise. "Really? Thanks Dad! Love you!"

I kissed him on the cheek, and ran up to my room. I had a lot of preparing to do.


I couldn't believe I actually said yes. And neither could Steve. "Aw, Tony, I am so proud of you," he said, as he kissed me on the cheek.

"It's like you said. What's the worst that could happen?"

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