Drabble Challenge~ Where Did the Party Go ~ Roxas (For linkinparklover1212)

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Just a heads up for the kiddies, there are some major adult themes in this particular drabble...moreso than anything else I've ever done, but you know, it's all good, nothing too shocking, really. But at any rate, you have been warned. Do with that information what you will. xD  

Oh, and everyone is massively ou of character...but that's what makes it fun. xDDD

The song for this was 'Where did the party go' by Fall Out Boy. 

Enjoy! =3


"Axel, come on. I really don't wanna be here." Roxas sighed. Axel had somehow convinced him to get out of the house and come to a rave with him, but now, sitting in the car outside the abandoned warehouse, he was getting fussy.

"No. You agreed. You're turning into a zombie hiding out in your room all day." Axel gave him a sly look as he unbuckled himself from the drivers seat, "Come on. It'll be good for you."

"Don't you worry Rox-pox. We'll get you back on your feet again in no time." Xion said from the back seat.
A week ago Roxas broke up with his long-term girlfriend, and he was taking it pretty hard. Well...'taking it hard' is a bit of an understatement. He hadn't gone outside, spoken to anyone, or really even eaten anything.

Olette was his best friend. They both always felt so strongly for each other, getting together only seemed natural. But then when he found out she had been cheating on him for the last four months with their other mutual friend Hayner, he kind of snapped a little.

It felt like more and more like he was drifting away from Hayner and Olette for a while, and he began hanging out with Axel and Xion more, and he figured that somewhere in his absence, those two decided it'd be a good, fun time to break his heart. But whatever. He was over it.

So here he was...out a girl friend and a life-long friend, at a rave with two knuckleheads.

"Hey get out." Xion hit the back of his seat to try and urge him to move. Axel's sporty little car only had two doors, so she was trapped in the backseat until Roxas got out and pushed the seat forward. With a heavy sigh he pushed open the door and slide out, looking around as Xion made her way out and Axel walked around to their side of the car where the curb was.

A bunch of people were walking into the warehouse, but one girl in particular caught his eye. He'd seen her before...frequently even. She worked at the convenience store where they always when for Axel to buy his cigarettes when he came over. Her name was ≈≈≈≈≈...was it creepy that he knew her name? Probably...well, it was on her name tag, and he just happened to see it and remember it. Still he'd have to—oh. A boy with black hair and a leather jacket came up and put his arm around her, pulling her into a big kiss. The two pulled apart, him smirking and her laughing. She had a boyfriend. Of course she had a boyfriend. Every other person alive was happy and with someone they loved who was nice, faithful, and not a friendship running cunt...so much for being over it.  

"I hate everyone." Roxas grumbled, turning back to Axel and Xion.

"Roxy come on." Xion rolled her eyes with a soft smile.

"You'll be okay puddin'." Axel said in a baby voice, putting his arm around Xion casually.

"That includes you two." Roxas added to his previous statement.

The three of them began to walk to the doors, and as soon as they opened up, the music pumping inside hit them like a brick wall. The lights were off and everyone was covered in neon, glow in the dark paint with glow sticks and foam covering everything. Black lights lit the place up and made all the glowing lights even flashier.

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