No P.O.V.

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Ink looks at his phone. A text (my text!) reads, "grab Blueberry and Dream and come over to Error's house ASAP." "Guys!" Ink yells to Dream and Blueberry, "Jayla said we gotta go to Error's. Grab something to fight with for if we need to protect ourselves." Dream comes in, followed by Blueberry. "I don't know Ink. Sounds a bit sketchy to me. Why would Jayla want us to randomly go to his house," Dream says. Blueberry is just sitting there being shy. "Y-yeah," He says quietly. "Look, I don't know WHY she wants us to go there, but she said ASAP. She only uses that word when it's really needed," Ink says. Blueberry comes closer. "O-okay." "Alright, you're just lucky YOU'RE the leader," Dream mumbles.

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