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Once upon a time there was a fairly rich young asian girl, who was the daughter of a wealthy doctor in China.

The girl had a panda, a tribute to just how wealthy her family was.

So sweet this female panda was when the girl got her, she named her Yīgè àiqíng, meaning, "One of love".

The girl, named Kaurla, spent every waking moment with this panda, she was Kaurla's best friend.

But, one day, Yīgè àiqíng disappeared.

Kaurla was distraught.

After finding out what had happened, her father bought her a new panda, but it wasn't the same.

Kaurla needed her best friend there for her.

Yīgè àiqíng seemed like the only family she actually had.

So thinking rashly, the young girl packed a bag and ran out to find her Yīgè àiqíng.

"I need to find her," she cried as she ran through the trees.

Kaurla closed her eyes and panted as she took a break, leaning against the tree.

" Yīgè àiqíng... I know she wouldn't run away..."

Kaurla began crying as she thought the worst.

She gasped as she felt a firm hand grasp her shoulder.

Immediately she pulled out a sword she had stolen from her father.

"Who are you?" Kaurla growled at the young teen standing near her, who appeared to be only a year older.

"I'm here because I heard you were looking for me," the mystery person spoke.

"Who the fuck are you, and why are you touching me?" Kaurla glared at the girl.

"I told you, you've been looking for me." The girl said, in a soft yet nervous voice, as if she had just learned to speak.

"Go away. I'm looking for my Panda," Kaurla slapped the others hand away and began running.

As she ran the girl followed at a slower pace.

"A panda named Yīgè àiqíng?" The girl shouted, making Kaurla stop in her tracks.

"How the hell did you know...?" Kaurla stared at the ground in shock.

Soft crunchy fall leaves crunched under the girls feet as she slowly approached Kaurla.

"You found me Kaurla..."

Kaurla slapped the girl, who was supposedly Yīgè àiqíng, across the face.

"DON'T LIE TO ME." Kaurla bawled, glaring at the other.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Kaurla." Yīgè àiqíng softly kissed the other girl.

"How do I know for sure?" Kaurla pushed Yīgè àiqíng away.

"Your secrets, ask me about them." The girl spoke softly, trying to comfort the bawling girl.

"The one about my mother." Kaurla continued bawling.

Biting her lip Yīgè àiqíng hesitated.

"I know that it hurts you, but if it'll prove that it's me, I'll tell you."

Kaurla nodded, "tell me."

Yīgè àiqíng hugged Kaurla, knowing that saying the secret would almost tear her apart.

"Your mother was murdered by your father right in front of you," Yīgè àiqíng sniffled, feeling sorry for the other.

Nodding, Kaurla clung to the other.

"I believe you..."

Yīgè àiqíng held the other, petting her softly.

"Tell me Yīgè àiqíng, how did you get like this?" Kaurla asked.

She sighed before speaking, "I was told when I was young, that if I  found my love, I would turn human. But I would have to run until they found me..." Yīgè àiqíng looked at Kaurla.

Kaurla blushed and looked at Yīgè àiqíng.

"Tell no one," she warned before kissing Kaurla,"for if you do, I may return to panda form."

Nodding Kaurla looked at Yīgè àiqatg.

"Let's go home."

They both nodded, puffy eyes from crying.

Along the way somewhere, Yīgè àiqíng slipped her hands into Kaurla's.

"I fell in love with you, you know," she smiled.

"I know." Kaurla blushed and leaned against the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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