Prologue : Nights Before Auction Day

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It Was a Dry, Cold Night in Japan. The starts where Shining down onto the Streets. The sound of Glass hitting the Floor Echos then replaced by the sound of a Scream then Silence.

              Sapphirus as he was called by Mages, other Soccer's, Fairy's, and Elves. They know as Him as the second to be cursed by God's Son, Who to there Knowledge is Only Existing to Satisfy His Curiosity, which Many would say he's doing Now. Removing a Arm, From the Freshly made dead woman, Sharp Blueish Crystal Stabs into the Deceased arm and The Two Connect Becoming the New arm Of Sapphirus. Well until a muffled Chant was heard from the Shadows and The White Haired Boy Fell to the Ground Asleep.

When he Awoke He was Chained around his Neck, Arm's, and Legs he was Wrapped heat to toe In bandages. A Red Liquid Stained them. Any Blood Sapphirus had has long Since Vanished This Blood is due to Parts He's Taken From others, His True Injuire Visable by a light Blue crack the Goes Long his Jaw and Cheek. The Air Around the Boys Cage was Always Still and Cold, to the point you could See your own Breath. After a Few days of being Caged they let him out every now and then to *Fix* him alittle but only resulted in two Deceased Guards and The boy Now Wearing a Straight jacket.
The whole time the Boy was Silent never Saying a Word
Until the Cage he was in Started to Move....

The other chapters will be longer this one is just a Prologue, To show He's kind of normal Life, He and Joseph are very Similar Different being Attitude and Personality. Hope you Stay with me For this FanFic as with other and thank you for reading.

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