Chapter Forty-Three and Four

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Wu's POV

"Thank you," Dwaine said as I handed him back his phone.

"This way," I said, leading him out of the interrogation room.

"Wait!" Dwaine yelled before I opened the door.

I turned around to face him.

"You guys are doing the right thing," he promised. Oh, yeah. That was really reassuring coming from a gang member whose gang had killed at least eleven people, injured two, robbed two, and kidnapped one all within a week.

"It doesn't feel like it," I admitted bitterly.

"Sometimes it's hard to tell," Dwaine said. "Keep that in mind when you're thinking about Trubel."

What did that mean?

I was going to ask him, but his phone rang.

"I've got to take this," he said. I opened the door to the interrogation room and held it open. Dwaine walked out and said, "Give me a sec," when he answered the phone. He looked at me nervously before walking down the hallway and sitting on a wooden bench far enough away that it was out of earshot. I decided to leave him to it, since he would probably hang up on whoever was on the other line if I started investigating.

I walked down to the garage, got in my Prius, and drove outside. I wanted to park it somewhere where I could watch the Fusion and eventually found the perfect spot after circling the block once.

I would be ready to follow them wherever they went.


Hank's POV

"You're free to go. Your car is parked outside the precinct," I told Marcus in an unfriendly tone as I unhandcuffed him.

"Great," Marcus said, grinning triumphantly. "But where's Burkhardt?"

"That isn't any of your business," I told Marcus. "And I'd get out of here before I ran into him if I was you."

Marcus laughed as I opened the interrogation room door for him. I had already released Bruno, and he was waiting in the hallway for us.

"We're free," Marcus said to Bruno.

Bruno's smug grin mimicked Marcus's. "Let's go," he said. He turned to me and said, "Better luck next time, detective."

I gave them both a cold look as they turned and walked down the hallway. I waited for them to disappear before I called Wu.

"You got eyes on them?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah," Wu said proudly. "We'll see where they go."

I nodded even though Wu couldn't see me. "Good," I approved. "We don't want to get made, so let me know where you end up, and we can switch off there."

"Got it," Wu said before hanging up.

I hurried down to the garage and got into my Volkswagen sedan. It looked less like a police car which would be perfect for the surveillance of our suspects.


Gabriel's POV

"Hey, Gabriel!" someone yelled as I walked passed the doorway of the research room in the compound. I froze and backed up a few paces to see who was calling me. There was a guy - I knew he worked here and was one of the higher ups, but I didn't know him personally - and he was staring at me from his seat in an office chair. He had two guys standing next to him, and his computer was open to a screen displaying some official looking document, though I couldn't read what it said from the hallway.

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