Chapter one: A new place

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Emily was a young girl about 10 or 11. She lived in a house with her mom and dad. She loved her life. Or that is until she, and her family had to go away to the country side. Moving away meant to leave behind her old life, and coming into a new one. She was sad about that. But still, before she knew it, toys were packed and boxes were sealed. And Emily? Emily first had to wait in the car, and then they'll be off. Off to a better place .......hopefully.

They arrived many hours later, and Emily was exhausted. She carefully climbed out of the car and landed on top of  a patch of soft, green grass. "That's it"said Emily's father. Pointing towards a shabby-looking house a few meters away. Slowly and sadly Emily walked towards her new home. It took a long time for the Evanses to unpack everything, but of course, it wasn't impossible. Finally, Emily was allowed to look around the house.

One day, she was wandering about, when she found a wooden staircase leading upwards. What was this? She had never seen this before. How strange....     
She started walking up the staircase. Noticing for the first time, that there were no windows. She climbed into a dark landing, and looked around. There was nothing except for a plain black door. Curious, she opened it. Inside there was a dusty window and a mirror.....a mirror? What was a dusty old mirror doing inside the house!? There weren't supposed to be any mirrors inside the whole place! But wait, it wasn't dusty at all. In fact, it was slightly glowing. Emily stretched her hand towards it. In a split second, she was in a different world.

She was in the sea. Swimming up and down trying to catch a breath. Finally, Emily was able to find land. She splashed on to soft sand, and lay there, quite still: she was so tired because of swimming there. Then she slowly stood up and looked around. She was apparently standing in an island. Though what Emily did not know was that the island she was standing in, was special.

Sorry it's a bit short, hopefully the next chapter will be longer once I get more into the details 🙃
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