"Last week he was claiming he thought I liked Calum."

Louis scrunches his nose. "Why would you like Calum? He's, like, the most vulgar guy I know."

"Says the guy who just yesterday said his parents should have named him 'Cal yum'." I emphasize the 'yum', and Louis smiles, remembering his rambling yesterday while we were in our dorm.

"Appreciating the body is different from crushing on the person."

"Exactly. So why don't you just believe me when I tell you that I simply appreciate Harry Styles' body?" I say it quietly, hoping that nobody is around who might be listening. News travels fast here, and if I'm ever going to survive the locker room again- my teammates don't need to know that I occasionally check them out.

"Fine then." Louis huffs, pulling his textbook closer to him. "Let's just study, alright? Lunch is almost over."

"I've got free period after this." I say, although Louis doesn't care. It's not like my schedule changes his.

"Yeah, well, I don't. And I would like to pass this class."

"Prima Donna, much?" I mutter, focusing back on my Enviro book.

"Fuck you." Louis whispers right back, and I bite my lip on a smile. I really shouldn't laugh, but there's something about my best friend (wearing pale pink lipstick and waterproof mascara, mind you) swearing that makes me chuckle.

"You read chapter thirteen, and I'll read chapter fourteen." I flip through the pages until I come to the chapter I'm looking for. The chapter title page has a penguin with one of those plastic can holders around his neck. It's depressing, and I really wish we would learn about happy things in the environment, not about humanity's fuck-ups when it comes to the earth.

"It's just a picture, Niall. No need to cry." Louis teases me, when he notices that I'm staring at the poor penguin.

"Why can't we talk about ecosystems and the reproduction cycle of bumblebees? I'd rather talk about those things."

"That's ecology, dumbo." I give him props for the creative nickname, but a dirty look for giving it to me. "This is environmental sciences. Water pollution, air pollution, mining, etcetera etcetera."

"This is stupid."

"It's people like you that are causing things like that poor, choking penguin to happen." Louis gives me a pointed look, and I am appalled.

"How dare you say such a thing."

"Just read the chapter, mate. That's all I ask."

"Fine. I'm going to read this, but I just want you to know that I'm not going to be happy about it. Any chapter that begins with a incapacitated penguin deserves a knife in the heart, because that's exactly the way I felt when in saw the awful picture. It was like a knife to my heart, Louis. It hurt. It still hurts. So, just know that by forcing me to read this chapter, it's like you're forcing that knife farther into my chest. It's like you're killing me."

Louis just gives me a look.

I give up, and turn the page to begin reading.

• • •


styleofwonder messaged you!

"You're too much sometimes xD I can't stop laughing. Maybe you should take over writing LB for me, because you obviously have better ideas than I do. You really think it'd be raunchy though? I've always imagine them being sweet. Kinky, ofc. But not gritty or dirty. Who do you think bottoms? Because I firmly believe that Sam takes it. Ahahahah

TYPE YOUR REPLY HERE: "What can I say? I'm hilarious! I can't write to save my life, so how about you just give me all the spoilers and I squeal like a girl over them, eh? Have you seen the way Jax handles that guitar? They're totally dirty. Maybe not hardcore, but like you said- kinks galore. Do you have any planned for this lovely story ;)? SAM BOTTOMS. I COMPLETELY AGREE.


styleofwonder messaged you!

"Modest too ;) I'm not too sure about /many/ spoilers. But I'll gladly give you a few. Oh daaaaaammmnnn you're right. Jax would be so dirty. Oh god, thanks for letting me imagine that. Kinks for my story? Well....it's called lipstick boy for a reason :P there's this kid at my school who wears makeup, and I think it's totally hot. He's got a boyfriend though, so none for little old me. YES THANK YOU NOBODY ELSE GETS US.

TYPE YOUR REPLY HERE: "you know it :P you're welcome, btw. I'm glad I got you to imagine the beauty that is dirty Jax. Lol Oh, I'm sorry mate. All the good ones are gay, it'd seem.


styleofwonder messaged you!

"All the good ones being gay is a good thing for me, seeing as I'm a guy xD it's the taken part that makes it difficult.

TYPE YOUR REPLY HERE: "Oh, shit. So sorry. I thought you were a girl x/ I guess that's what I get for assuming things!!!! Ahh so so sorry


styleofwonder messaged you!

"It's alright, mate. Lol most people do, unless they ask first. I don't have my name on my profile so it's hard to figure out. I mean, I assume you're a girl? So it's not just you lol

TYPE YOUR REPLY HERE: "I'm a guy too, so.... Awkward. Ahahah what is your name, if you don't mind me asking?


styleofwonder messaged you!

"BOY POWER! (Too much? Kay.) I'm sorry, I don't like saying. I just go by H on here.

TYPE YOUR REPLY HERE: "Can I guess it?


styleofwonder messaged you!

"Go for it.

Awkward (Narry)Where stories live. Discover now