The Confrontation

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Bellatrix Lestrange sat at the table, pushing food about on her plate with a fork. The table was set for two, but she was the only one sat at it.

She stared longingly at the empty seat in front of her. Where had her lover gone? Was it something SHE'd done?

From outside, she heard footstep running towards the door. She rushed towards it, leaving her wand discarded on the table.

"Mione!" The woman had disarmed her without even trying. "I'm so glad you're-"

The door burst open and Bellatrix stopped dead.

A figure hurried in, and stopped when he saw Bella.

"What are you doing here?" she snarled at him.

"Looking for Hermione. This is her house, you know," the ginger haired boy glared back at her. "I could ask you what you're doing here as well. You have no more right to be here than I do!"

Bellatrix growled at him and reached for her wand. It wasn't there. A flash of panic crossed her face, but so quickly that if you had blinked, you would have missed it.

"For your information, Weasley," she spatted. "This is MY house too! So I have the power to make you leave."

"Yo-your house," he faltered. "What do you mean? Hermione lives here.."

"Yes," she said, grinning at the torture this was causing the boy. "We live together."

In a flash of a second, the Weasley child whipped his wand out, and pointed it straight at Bellatrix's heart. "You're lying!" he shouted. "I know you are!"

Bellatrix grinned even further. "I'm not lying. Ask Hermione."

The boy glared at her, and gripped his wand tightly.

"Cru-" his words were cut off as he was tackled to the ground.

A high pitched cackle was the last thing he heard before the world went black.


As Ron leaned in to kiss her, Hermione leapt away.

"No, Ron. This is wrong," she said, moving away. "I can't do this to her."

"Do this to who?" Ron looked at her puzzled.

"I'm sorry," she turned away from him. "I have to go. I never should have come here."

"Just tell me who she is," Ron asked softly. "Please.."

"I.. I can't, I have to.. I'm sorry," and with those words she apparated away.

Finding herself in the Forest of Dean, she wandered about aimlessly, pondering what to do.

Meanwhile, Ron stood staring at where Hermione had apparated from, wondering what had just happened. There was someone else. He knew it, but.. and this was the really odd thing, it seemed that it was a girl.

What had happened to Hermione? Had nothing he had said actually been heard by her?

He stood for several more minutes, letting thoughts play over in his mind before apparting to the outskirts of where Hermione lived.

After maybe minutes, maybe hours, of pacing, Hermione finally made her decision to go back home. She apparated right to her front door, and heard shouting from the inside.

"You're lying! I know you are!"

"I'm not. Ask Hermione."

There was then a period of tense silence, which deeply worried Hermione. She was preparing to go in, when she heard the word begin to form.

"Cru-" she cut off the spell as she burst through the door and tackled the attacker to the floor. His head smacked against it, and his body went limp.

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