I knocked on Kelli's dressing room door, but she didn't open. I knocked a few more times and still no answer. I wondered if I should open the door, or if that would be rude. Then I heard Kelli shout, "Stop!" Now I definitely had to open the door. I swung the door open, and what I saw, completely shocked me. Kelli was against the wall and John was on top of her, holding her wrists above her head. "John?!?!" I shouted. "Billy! Help me!" Kelli shouted. I ran up to John, grabbed him, and punched him. Kelli then ran up to me and hugged me. Her face was in my shoulder and she said, "Billy..thank you so much. You're my hero." I was happy that I was her hero, and the fact that she's hugging me. But, why would John do this to me? Kelli then got off me, and we both just stared at John. Kelli was holding onto my arm, just in case any thing else happens. The fact that i'm Kelli's hero, and her holding onto me, is just so surreal. But still. What the hell was John doing.

"Kelli?" I said. "Yea." Kelli said, looking up at me. "I forgot to ask, are you okay?" Kelli smiled and said, "Now I am." Well that definitely made me happy. "What happened?" I asked. Kelli looked down and had a serious face on. "Well, John knocked on my door and I let him in. I sat at my vanity and he looked at me through the mirror and began to stroke my hair. I got up and pushed him, but he still had a creepy smile on. He was walking towards me slowly, making sure I wouldn't leave his sight. Then he pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me EVERYWHERE. I tried to push him away and yell for help but  no one heard me. And then you came to save me." Kelli said. I couldn't believe him. We've been friends since 3rd grade. John then started to get up and my fist were already curled into a fist. I was about to punch him but then his hands went up. "Go ahead Billy. Hit me." John said. I was so confused. "But, if you do, I'll just tell the cops that I was trying to save Kelli from you." He said. "What are you talking about John?" Kelli said. "You see, my dad is the director. I can just tell him to fire you." John said. Kelli and I exchanged looks. I can't stand being away from Kelli, might as well not tell. "Ok. Fine, we won't tell. But what the hell were you thinking?!?!" I yelled. "Doing you a favor."John replied


John didn't exactly get the words right, but still. He stole the words I was suppose to say to Kelli but never did. Throughout the whole thing, Kelli looked so fascinated. Well duh. 

I stared at my food without even eating. John kept telling stories about all the times he caught the perfect waves when he's surfing. Who the hell cares. I tuned everyone out and just stared down at my soggy, cold food. I was getting really tired and bored after John told us his fifth story. About seven minutes later, I got up to go to the bathroom to freshen up. John then got up after me and followed me to the bathroom. I really do not want to deal with him right now.

I washed my hands, then John washed his hands with the sink next to mine. "So, uh, Billy. Kelli and I are cute together huh?" John said, trying to get me angry. I couldn't take it anymore. "John what the hell do you think you're doing?!?!" I shouted at him. "I'm washing my hands. Obviously." John replied. "Oh don't be a smart-ass with me." I replied back. "What? I am." "I mean what are you doing?!?! Why are you messing with Kelli?! You know I'm madly in love with her! How could you do this to her? What's the matter with you?!?" I shouted with all my anger. "Be quiet! The girls will get suspicious!" John yelled. "I don't give a crap! Why are you doing this to her?!? ANSWER ME NOW!" And with that, John grabbed me by the neck and shoved me against the wall. "I thought I told you to shut up you piece of shit." John whispered into my ear. He was choking me and I tried to yell, but I couldn't.

Then I finally managed to say something. "GET AWAY!" I yelled. Then about ten seconds later, the door opened. It was Kelli and Stella. John let go of me fast enough so that Kelli and Stella couldn't see what just happened. Then suddenly he fell down. "What the hell happened?!" Kelli shouted. John was clutching onto his stomach like he had a stomach ache. Oh no. I know what is about to happen. John is gonna say I did something, so I better speak quick. "It's not what you think!" I said. Damn. I should've never said that. In the movies, whenever someone says, 'It's not what you think', the person thinks it is. "I was telling Billy that I'm the luckiest guy to have a girl like you, Kelli. Then he said he doesn't care about you. Then he knee-d me in the stomach." John lied. This bitch. "N-no! I didn't!" I should've never sounded so hesitant. Now they're gonna think I'm lying. "Billy! Why would you do that to John!? All he wanted is a simple conversation, and you just randomly kicked him?! How rude." Kelli shouted at me. NOW my life is over. "Calm down Kelli. At least John didn't get seriously injured." Stella said, trying to calm Kelli. And with that being said, John started to moan more as if he's dying to make the girls feel more sorry for him. What a fake. Then some waitor walked in and said, "Umm, this is a men's restroom. So ladies, if you don't mind?" Then Stella and Kelli left, and the waitor went in a stall to do buisness. 

John looked over at me and smirked. I'm really thinking about punching him. But I didn't. I walked out of the restroom and Stella was standing right there, waiting for me. "Stella.." I said, but then got cut off. Stella slapped me. "Why would you do that to John?! Right when I ask you out, you cause a major scene. I don't think I wanna go out with a guy who beats someone up for no reason. I'm sorry Billy, but the date is off!" Stella yelled. After hollering at me, she left. As I watched her walk out the door, I saw Kelli outside by herself. 

I was hesitant about going outside to talk to Kelli, or if she might just start yelling at me. But I went anyway. I stood next to her, and we were both awkwardly quiet. Then I finally broke the silence and said, "Kelli, listen, I didn't do anything to John." "I know." she replied. "Seriously, I didn- wait what?" I said, after realizing what she had just said. "What do you mean? Do you mean you actually believe me?" I said. "I believe you Billy." "Then why did you yell at me?" "I just needed to figure out the reason why you would actually hit John, and there wasn't any." She replied. "Why do you believe me?" I asked. I just wanted to know why. "Because Spencer told me that we were close friends, and I believed him. I saw pictures in my dressing room, pictures in my phone, and some pictures at my house. So I thought, 'If Billy and I were so close, why would he beat up John if he was talking about me?' And for some reason, I can tell you're not the type of person who would hit another person. You just look so nice." Kelli said and smiled. Her smile is literally the best thing in the world. "Kelli..thank you for believing me and understanding." I said. I had the biggest smile on my face, and I know that it won't be gone for a few days. But then it faded away in only a matter of seconds. John came. "Geez Billy. You hit me THEN you make me pay the bill. How rude. Were you scolding him honey?" John said to me, then Kelli. Kelli didn't reply, all she did was smile. "Let's go kellbell." What. John just stole the nickname I use to call Kelli. That bastard. John put his arm around Kelli, and started making his way to the parking lot. And then Kelli turned around and mouthed to me silently, 'Bye'. 

Off Screen (Kelli Berglund and Billy Unger Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن