Don't look now

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My parents for some reason decided to leave ASAP. So within a week I was in Wexford, Pennsylvania. I start school today. Somehow I'm not terrified. Imma walk in there knowing I. Am. Fucking. Fabulous.

   I'm almost to the door...walking in the door...walking to my locker...standing at the locker. I feel the eyes on the back of my head.

   "Hey are you new here?" Oh my god, lemme guess your an annoying obnoxious kid who wants attention from his friends. I turn around, I was right.

   "Yeah, I'm from Cali, bitch." I said.  All his friends just went, oooooooooohhhhhh. So evaluating the situation a boy with a group of about 8 other guys is tryna make a scene with a random new girl. Imma predict you are the popular jocks of the school and the guy who is specifically talking to the new girl is not the leader and is in fact trying to fit in with the group because he's hanging on a string.

   "Yo I was just asking, you just seemed lost." He said.

   "Oh you thought I was lost, maybe you are. I'm sure you don't know where the gym is noodle arms." I clapped BACK. All his friends went hype again.

   "Bitch do you know where the English room is?"

   "I don't know can you show me, or do you know where it is."

   "You know I just have one question, are you a toasted cracker or an oreo?"

      "OOoOoOOOOOOOOoooOOOOo9+9OOOOoOOOoOoOOooOoOooOoOoOooOoOoOooOoOooHHhhHhHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!****4/20***" everyone who heard just went wild.

   "Oh you think your gangster, your white boy ass says otherwise."

   "***I can't even express to you how loud it was and how many people were screaming***" at that point they just left. One thing Los Angeles has taught me is that clap backs are so important. Over the years I've heard all of them so that was honestly easy.

   The bell rang and my first class is Social Studies, usually my favorite. I walk in the class and guess who's there... that damn boy who tried to roast me. I ask the teacher and he says just wait by my desk.

   "Okay period 1 you guys have a new kid in the class. Her name is..." he looks at the paper then looks at me knowing that he will butcher my name.

   "Elisa Mukhurjee"  I said. He motions for me to sit down at the only empty seat. And because I have the worst luck in the world that empty seat is next to asshole shithead. I sit down and he passes me a note. 
   *I'm sorry, I'm Adam btw*it said
*Honestly, you're nowhere near a threat to me. You're easy compared to guys from Cali* I wrote back.

*can I get your number* he asked

* why do you need my number*

* cuz I kinda like you, ur cute*

* look I know this must have worked on your average small town suburban girl, but not me, because I have standards. Just hearing this I already know ur a wannabe fuckboy*

* fine, but by the end of the day you'll want my number*
   The class bell rang, who does he think he is.

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