In that morning

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The sky...
It was red...
What a pretty coler...

The human hurryed quitely, fear overflowing from it mind. They exsits, it thought, Horrorfied at the very thought. Vampire's exsits! And I just saw it...saw it.... The human couldn't bare to think about it. It's eyes were already full of tears from the sight.

The wind picked up as she ran, the trees's branches telling her to hurry up in a waving motion. The grass a happy color despite the grey clouds forming.

The human tripped on it own feet, huffing at the effort of running. It's limbs wary and shacky. It piked itself up only to be stepped on, another's foot on it's back know, bareing down hard.
"You think you could get away with seeing me feed?" A male voice asked as he nealt down, his foot comferming its objective, to keep her down.
"Hmm, your a pretty one" he said, coming into the girls view. His peach lips and narrow face, a strong gaw, a clear Adams Appel and pale skin topped off his blue/purple died hair.
"Let me go!" Scremed the girl. The man put his finger up to the girls lips and she hushed.
"Know be quite" he wispered, looking into her eyes. She nodded, a blank stare creept across her face.
"Yes sir" she wispered.
"Know stand" he told her, she did. The man walked in front of her and placed his hand on her check, it was scraped from tripping.
"You clumsy human" he smiled, slideing his hand behind her neck as he came close, keeping his other hand in his pocket.
"Know," he started "I whant you to-"

Suddenly ear shadereing bang was herd, and just before a bullet hit them both in the head. Death to one and lose of body for the other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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