A new friend

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Matthew:So your new----
(Matthew was cut off)

Deelylah:Aww,I'm sorry it's just that my cousin heaven is making out with that cameron boy.

Matthew:It's ok ,they do look like a good couple.

Deelylah:I know huh?hahaha well I have to go

Matthew:Ok,I'll see you tomorrow?

Deelylah:I'll be here(I smile and lean into Matthew and kiss him)

Deelylah:Oh my gosh!Sorry I didn't know why I did that I-I-I have to go

Matthew:You don't have to go,Will I see u tomorrow?

Deelylah:(I run away and start to cry)


Deelylah:(I open the door and start to cry)Mom I would like to move to LA with u guys,I don't want to stay here anymore

Deelylahs Mom:Of course u can!😊

Deelylah:Thanks mom

Deelylahs Mom:What made you change your mind?

Deelylah:I ... I just wanted to go to a new world (I lied)

Deelylahs Mom: Ok we'll start packing tomorrow morning

The long lost love(A Matthew Espinosa Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now