She opened her mouth to speak when I pointed to a small line forming on the side of the field.

"Archery?" She asked, her eyebrows raising.

"Can we?" I begged lightly, turning to face her fully with a broad smile.

"Okay, but can we see the canon first? They called out that they were only shooting two while you were laying on the ground," she told me, and I nodded, taking a sip of the drink while we continued to walk down the field towards the canon.

We finished off the last of the lemonade on the way down the field, and I dropped the cup into a nearby trashcan while looking at the different tents filled with varying items, my body warm with happiness.

We stood behind the flimsy barrier that was just a bright coloured rope and watched as they loaded the canon-ball into the canon.

It was flying through the air within a minute and landing on the other side of the field in an indent that had been made by the other balls that had gone flying in the air throughout the day.

I glanced at Jade who had videoed the whole thing and pressed a kiss to her cheek as she put the phone down away from the action.

"Tori?" She asked, and I pulled away a little, keeping my arm around her waist.

"Yes, Jade?"

"I don't want to rush anything, but can we tell our friends? Cat and Andre I mean... I don't care about Robbie enough for him to know or not." She chewed on her lip looking at me nervously.

She's so pretty when she's nervous.

I smiled and nodded, kissing her gently. "We can tell whoever you want, Jade," I said and made a move to keep on walking up the grounds towards the archer's area that we passed earlier.

Jade fell into step beside me, her hand grabbing mine as she pulled me into a kiss, out of the corner of my eye.

I saw he lift her hand up and heard the shutter click on her phone letting me know she took a picture of it.

I pulled from the kiss with a wide smile and looked at the screen, the picture was blurry, so I grabbed her phone and deleted it before holding my arm out and kissing her cheek, snapping a photo of it.

I then pulled her lips to mine, making a small video of it as our lips connected and ended the video when I realized she wasn't about to pull away anytime soon.

I melted against her, my arms sliding around her waist, and at the moment, it felt like it was just her and I. There weren't crowds pushing passed us. There weren't vendors calling out to come look at their items.

Just us.

By the time we pulled apart, my lips were tingling as I struggled to regain control of my breathing and I smiled brightly at how flushed Jade looked.

I bought a hand up, cupping her cheek, smoothing my thumb over it gently.

"I love you," we both said at the exact same time, and I couldn't help but smile at the way her eyes lit up.

"Want to see who has better aim, ladies?" A voice said, and we looked over at an older woman who was holding a bow and arrow.

"What do you say, Jade? Loser cooks dinner?" I grinned, and she nodded, paying for our turn.

"Three tries each," the woman said, and I stood bag with our bags, holding both phones up to record while Jade had her go.

Each arrow she shot was ridiculously close to the center ring, and I watched the way she bowed dramatically towards the phones, making me laugh softly and hand the devices to her as I stood up for my turn.

The first one I shot missed the target entirely and hit the tree the target was leaning against. I blushed as Jade chuckled and relaxed my shoulders, taking a deep breath before lining up the next shot.

I focused as best I could, blocking out other noises, I released the arrow, my heart thudding harshly against my ribs as time seemed to slow.

I bounced on my feet a little as it hit right on the edge of the center ring, closer than Jade had made any of hers and pulled up my last arrow.

I repeated the process of calming myself down and aimed a little to the left before letting go, my eyes shutting as soon as I released it, too nervous to look.

"Looks like I'm cooking dinner, Vega, nice job," Jade said, clapping me on the shoulder.

"It's okay," I said as we moved out of the way so other people could take their turns. "We can order in."

We stopped outside of a small tent, and I looked around at the leather jackets while Jade occupied herself looking at something else, and when I saw Jade was distracted completely, I waved over the person that worked the tent and asked if he could somehow wrap one of the jackets up without Jade realizing.

He smiled and nodded, telling me it'd be a minute after I pointed out which one and made my way out the front of the tent after paying him, looking at the different leather-bound books, jeweler and other handmade things that all had leather poured into it somehow. I snuck a black band -with a small jade in a silver ring- into the man and paid him for it also before taking the brown bag he'd given me.

I turned to find Jade holding a similar bag, her eyebrow quirking up before we made our way back out of the tent, smiling.

"Do you want lunch?" She asked, and I nodded slowly, my stomach rumbling loudly at the thought of food.

She chuckled before taking my hand into hers and leading us back towards the food vendors all the way at the other end of the field back where we first came in.


AN: My wife wanted me to update ... sooooo, here! :) 

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