Quiet is Good, Sometimes

Start from the beginning

We finally make it to the house and go into my room to put the books away but end up laying down on my bed for a minute or two until Anik, Burr, and Coldred come and lay down in my room as well all fitting on my rather large bed. I pick up the Forward March book and turn to the first page and reading the first few chapters but I just kept looking back at that elvish book I left on the nightstand. It was getting pretty late though so I got ready for bed. I lay down and rest my hands on my sides as Anik, Burr, and Coldred shift closer to me and I turn off lantern.


I open my eyes after several long hours of sleep with plenty of energy for the day so I go out of the bed quietly as to not wake up my three companions. I change into a fresh set of clothes and grab my fishing spear to catch some breakfast for the four of us, slip on my leather boot, and head out for the river. When I get to the small fishing spot I usually use I remove my shoes and cotton socks and roll up pants then rake a hand through my light blue hair and make my way into the water. I look down into the water seeing the reflection of my sandy tan eyes looking back at me as well as seeing a few silver fishes moving closer so I stay absolutely still. With quick movements I manage to get two fish on the spear. I continued that until I had at least 10 fish then tie them up and head back to the house. As soon as I get there I realize Anik, Burr, and Coldred are still asleep, typical, and continue to my way to the kitchen where I cook the fish, the smell wafting through the house waking everyone and they make their way into the kitchen. I divide up the fish giving four to Coldred, two to Burr, two to Anik, and two for himself. After breakfast I grabbed the elvish book and headed out, with the three, to a nearby lake where we usually relax during the day. When we get there I sit in my usual spot on a ledge that hangs over the lake and Coldred sits behind me so as usual I use him as a pillow and Anik and Burr ran around playing around with each other. I open Sorfen and start reading, after a few pages I start to realize the this isn’t just some book but someone’s journal. I keep reading and I got this feeling that the place that was being described in the journal sounded a lot like Eternity Forest. At a point the writer was describing a lake with a ledge that hangs over the water and it took me a minute to realize that they were talking about the exact place where I'm sitting. “Ahh!” was the only noise I could make as I fell over after this discovery and it made Coldred, who was fast asleep, slightly jump and look at me with bewildered eyes as I stare at the tattered leather book. He looked upset the sky and then bumped his nose against my cheek and looked back up at the sky again. I followed his gaze and saw that it was getting late and we've been here all day. I stood up and yelled to Anik and Burr that we were leaving, they were relaxing on a boulder that stuck out of the middle of the lake and sunbathing. What I didn't realize at the time is that there was someone else watching us from the tree line at the other side of the lake. We headed back to the house and got ready for bed though it was difficult to relax because I decided to follow the journal to wherever it may lead. I finally found a chance at adventure so I’m going to take it.


When morning rolls around I go out to hunt for breakfast and I catch extra for the trip. On my way back I had a feeling like I was being watched so I put up my guard more than usual. Who could be in these woods? As long as I have been here there has been no one in these parts of the woods because they all stay on the path that was nowhere near here. I was about halfway back and whatever was watching me was still there but suddenly there was a shift in the bushes so I looked over there curiously thinking that was the source of the stare. As I was approaching I was attacked from behind and pinned down to the ground, I struggled to get out of their grasp and ended up getting flipped over and held still looking at the person face to face. We were both panting as I got a good look at them, male, short black hair, purple eyes, and a very feminine but manly face. I looked at his ears and was surprised to see that, he too, was an elf. He was on top of me straddling my hips and pinning my arms next to my head, he was too strong for me to make an escape though. We stared at eachother for what seemed like an eternity waiting for the other to make a move so I decided to go first, “Why are you attacking me?” I quizzed trying to figure out his motive.

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