Miles pushed his glasses up and thought. "Actually, I know where he goes three times a week and exactly the time of day he's there." 

"Please don't tell me it's the gym. I just told off Red a couple of weeks ago for trying to boss me into going over there. I made the mistake of telling Elaine that my doctor recommended I work out and she felt compelled to share that tidbit with Red." 

"It's the gym. He's there Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during his lunch hour at noon. On the weight machines," added Miles helpfully. "Of course, even if you make it look casual, I'm sure he'll know why you're asking about his brother. Front page news, remember? Octogenarian sleuth?" 

Myrtle blew out a deep breath. "True. But it's possible he doesn't even subscribe to the paper. That's why Sloan is feeling so desperate right now, after all. I guess I could go to the gym just the one time. For the sake of the case." 

"You'll have to go over there more than once, Myrtle. The staff has to give you special training on using the machines so that you don't hurt yourself. Or the machines. What is it that your doctor told you you're supposed to be doing?" 

"Building up bone mass," said Myrtle gloomily. "He said I was in fantastic shape, then completely contradicted himself by telling me to do some gentle weight lifting. And then Elaine was a blabbermouth and told Red what the doctor said. If Red has his way, I'll work out so much I'll be an Arnold Schwarzenegger look-alike."  

"Not with the kind of workout you'd be doing, Myrtle. Besides, this gym isn't some body-building hangout. It's mostly middle-aged and older people trying to stay healthy. You might find that you really like it." 

Miles eyed Pasha with apprehension as she seemed to grow restless and swished her tail a few times. "I'm ready to go now. I don't want to start round two with your new pet."

After receiving training on the equipment Thursday, Myrtle went into Fit Life shortly before noon on Friday. She scanned her membership card at the front desk and was surprised to see Sherry there. "I didn't know you worked here." 

Sherry was digging out some membership paperwork for a new member and gave Myrtle a quick smile and said, "You probably wouldn't, unless you came here. I've seen Chief Clover here, of course." 

Myrtle made a face. "He's been trying to get me here for weeks." 

Sherry opened her mouth to respond, then clamped it shut before mumbling, "Excuse me, Miss Myrtle," and redirecting her attention to the new member. Myrtle turned around and saw Cullen Caulfield swaggering up to the desk. He worked out? Since when? He wasn't exactly trying to take care of himself. He seemed to be in no hurry to scan a membership card. Was he there for some other reason? Maybe to talk to Sherry? She remembered again the way Sherry had looked out from Cullen's window the morning after Jill's murder. 

Myrtle decided that a cup of coffee from the coffee station in the lobby would be perfect before her workout. And a perfect excuse to stand around and see what happened. 

But nothing seemed to be going to happen. Sherry appeared determined to pretend that Cullen was not there. She made herself busy with the new member, then settled down to filing applications and inputting the data on a computer. All the time, Cullen loped around the lobby, watching Sherry all the tim. Finally he leaned across the membership desk and bellowed, "Sherry! You're going to talk to me. I'm not going away." 

Myrtle squeezed her coffee cup, nearly crushing the Styrofoam.  

Sherry pretended that she hadn't heard anything and continued typing on the computer. Another employee walked out of the office, looking at Cullen curiously.  

Progressive Dinner Deadly:  Myrtle #2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora