Internet "Friends"

Start from the beginning

Eddie replied, "That is exactly what i meant. And I'm Eddie! My only nickname is Eds though. Also, Trashmouth? Why is that?"

Richie spent the rest of the night talking to Eddie. He explained why he was called Trashmouth, talked about baseball, and talked about his guitar. Richie was actually enjoying himself so much that he hadn't realized that he had talked to the boy all night. When he checked the time, it was already 12 a.m. He quickly told the boy goodnight and went to bed.

   They chatted the next few nights, just getting to know each other. But then a question came up that Richie was not expecting, "Are you into boys?" Eddie asked this question late one night. Richie was shocked at this question. He wasn't sure what to say.

   "Why do you ask?" he simply replied. He laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. Did he like boys? Now he was wondering. He has enjoyed talking to this boy, and he wants to meet up one day. But does that mean he likes him?

   Eddie soon answered, "Just wondering. If it makes you feel better, I'll tell you what I'm into. I like boys, I'm gay. What about you?" Richie's heart started beating quickly when he read this message, but he wasn't sure why. No, he didn't like this boy. He's always liked girls, not that he's ever had a girlfriend. But he's never thought about a boy in that way.

Richie put his phone down and spent a few minutes thinking about what he would say. He thought that Eddie was attractive but not like that, right? Richie picked his phone back up and began typing, "I've never really had a girlfriend, or really thought about it. I think this one guy is attractive though. Does that mean I'm into guys? Or is it normal to find the same sex attractive?"

Eddie quickly replied, as he always did, "It doesn't necessarily mean you're gay, but it could. Who's the lucky guy that you're attracted to?"

Richie began to blush when he read what he said, lucky guy. Would somebody really be lucky to have been found attractive by Richie? He began typing again, "I don't think i can say right now." He quickly threw his phone down on his bed and turned on the tv, he had to stop thinking about it.

Ding. Eddie replied, "I'm attracted to you too, Richie. And I know it's me because from everything you've told me, you only have a few friends. And they're just friends, aren't they?"

Richie's heart sank when he read this. He was shocked not only by how Eddie had said he was attracted to him. But also because he somehow knew. Richie's hands began to sweat as he typed, "Oh. Uh, yeah. Uhm. Yeah, it's you. But does that mean i like you? I don't know." Richie was now completely confused and scared at the same time.

Eddie replied, "Do you have any feelings for me?" Richie's heart fluttered. Did he have feelings for the boy? It definitely felt like he did. Richie thought for a few moments and tried to decide what to say. He didn't know if he wanted to like the boy. Being gay where he lived was something that people didn't like and people often got bullied for it.

   "I think I do. But I don't know if I should." Richie was scared that this message might hurt the boy. He didn't want Eddie to take it the wrong way, "Being gay isn't considered normal where I live. But it's completely normal. Love who you love, amirite?" Richie facepalmed after sending the last text, realizing how stupid he probably looked.

   Eddie didn't reply after Richie had sent that text and he wasn't sure why. Was it something he had said? Did he say the wrong thing?

   Richie was walking with the few friends he had to go eat lunch. On this day, they were going out to eat instead of the lunchroom. You'd think that Richie would be happy that he was eating real food instead of lunchroom food but he didn't look the same. His walk was less perky, he didn't smile as much. And his friends were beginning to notice. They all asked him what was wrong and if they could help. But Stan seemed to know something that Richie didn't. He kept smiling the whole lunch time telling Richie that everything would be okay. Richie wasn't sure how this could possibly be okay, but he didn't argue.

   Lunch was halfway through when all of a sudden they heard a ding. Stan's phone had went off and he began smiling like a little school girl. This made Richie roll his eyes because he knew he was probably talking to that Bill boy that he never shuts up about.

   Richie laid his head down in his arms and tried not to cry. He wasn't necessarily sad, he was just annoyed. Annoyed that he told Eddie how he felt and he got ignored. He just wanted to see him and express the anger he was feeling.

   All of a sudden, Richie felt a tap on his shoulder. Richie made a grunting noise signaling whoever it was should leave him alone. But the person insisted to get his attention. "Hey." He heard the voice say. Richie knew exactly who's voice that was. He had heard it way too many times on facetime. It was Eddie.

   Richie kept his head down, trying to think of what to do or say. Eddie was getting impatient and he finally made his move to get his attention. Eddie ran his fingers through the boy's curls and smiled at how soft his hair was, "I need to talk to you, alone."

   Richie was shocked when he felt the boy's hands in his hair, was he really doing this in front of his friends? Richie slowly lifted his head and looked up at the smaller boy. He thought about how Eddie looked even better in person. Eddie's fingers were still interlocked in Richie's hair and he was blushing like crazy. Eddie noticed that Richie seemed to be embarrassed and he removed his hand. "Come with me." Eddie reached out his hand for Richie to grab and he did. The smaller boy led him outside of the restaurant, leaving Ben and Mike confused. But Stan knew, of course, since this was his plan.

   Now that the boys were outside and alone, Richie was calmer and more relaxed. "What're you doing here?" He looked down on his feet and kicked a rock off of the sidewalk. "You ignore me for days and then just show up at a time like this? How'd you even find me?"

   Eddie stared up at the tall lanky boy, admiring how beautiful he was in the sunlight. "When you told me you thought you may like me, it made me really happy. But I wasn't sure how to respond. But I wanted to see you, and I didn't wanna spoil the surprise so I didn't talk to you. And I'm sorry for that." He paused and looked out at the road, cars passing by. "I know Stan, we met through Bill. You probably know who that is." He giggled and Richie knew that he wanted to hear that sound for the rest of his life.

   Richie and Eddie stood outside, silent for a few minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was more of a I'm enjoying your company silence. Richie turned to the smaller boy, "I'm really glad you came."

   And with that, Eddie smiled. What happened next shocked the both of them. Eddie had stood up on his tip-toes, grabbed Richie's cheeks, and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Richie was surprised by this, but kissed back instantly. Eddie was surprised that the boy had kissed back, since he still was unsure on how he felt.

   The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. Their mouths moved in sync with each other like they were made for this. Richie had wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist. The smaller boy melted under his touch, he felt like his legs had given out. He felt like he was flying.

   When the two boys finally pulled away, they both began to blush uncontrollably. There was another silence before Eddie spoke up, "I love you." He was still blushing but now it was because of how nervous he was feeling. He wasn't sure if Richie would even say it back.

   "I love you too, Eds."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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