That Sludge incident

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AN:I will change some little things of the original story for it to fit le plot line. Also "F/D means favorite dessert/treat/sweets... you get my point

The news were boring nothing new just the new hero's doing there work, I finish my food and put my school uniform ready for school. I'm different from the rest of this family I go to a normal school. I don't go to some private academy I did in elementary but when I went to 4rd grade I moved to a normal school My parents didn't like me having a good life, But I still manage to stay happy.

(Timeskip thx to our cinnamon roll)

-after school

Such a nice day today I wonder what sweats I can have today... my thoughts were interrupted by a boy with green hair bump me. He looked like he was crying "I-I-m sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" he said with a stutter "it's ok but are you ok, I know it's rude but it seems like you've been crying and well you seem like you could use a friend my name is y/n and you are?" I said hoping he'll be my friend um im izu-BOOM! Is all I hear.

(Izuku P.O.V)

After what happened with All might I had given up on ever becoming a hero I always knew I couldn't be one without a quirk. As I cry to myself I bump into someone and I see that it's a GIRL  "I-I-m sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" damn why did I stutter I seem more pathetic "it's ok but are you ok, I know it's rude but it seems like you've been crying and well you seem like you could use a friend my name is y/n and you are?" She said she looks really pretty and her voice is soft and sweet, right when I was about to tell her my name I heard a BOOM sound and my feet started to move on it's own towards the BOOM noise could it be the villain All might caught I think to myself. And as I arrive I see that it is the villain all might had "Hey did you hear that the villain has a young boy hold hostage" some stranger says no way that can't be this is all my fault, now that boy is going to die and it's my fault I think and then I see the boy and its KACCHAN.

Before I know it my legs start moving on there own I throw my backpack at the villain and try to take the villain off kachhan. Unfortunately I couldn't do it and the sludge was going to get me is this it am I going to die here I couldn't even try to be a hero I close my eyes waiting for the villain to hit me but I didn't feel anything. I slowly open my eyes and see of what seems like a water barrier I didn't know where that came from until I see someone familiar is that y/n?? I question myself. I then see her hands became blades made out of water and was able to cut kacchan free. Then she grabbed me and kacchan and pulled us away from the monster as I see All might take down the monster.

(Y/n P.O.V)

After that explosion sound I see the plain green haired boy run to the sean. I go after him only to see him about to cry, I was about to cover his eyes but then I see him run INTO THE VILLAIN CRAP HE PROBABLY KNOWS THE KID I think to myself hoping he would get the hell out of there when he finds out he can't beat the piece of green watery poop BUT he does the opposite he continues to try to get the boy free. Right when I was about to leave I see the S class villain about to attack CRAP I run and make a barrier in front of him and make my hand into a sword blade and I cut the boy free and grab them both to safety as I see All might making an approach and defeat the villain once again a hero with a lot a fame wins at least it's a hero I respect. "Hey are you ok, sorry if i Injured you I can't stay here long but you can thank me later" I tell the blonde one he looked quite mad at me but i just walked to the green haired one "what you did was quite heroic and I don't know your reasons and you don't have to tell me but don't ever to that least not without a plan, and I also wanted to thank you for doing that I haven't felt this good and proud of myself in a long time" I say to him before leaving damn I was good today I wonder if I'll ever see one of them again well guess I'll go for some F/D I think as I walk to my favorite place with sweets.

But all I see is the close sign in the store I get on my knees and see my soul go before me WHY I was really craving sweets and what time is it even I grab my phone to check the time and see that it OMG it's so late crap I'm so dead I was supposed to train today I'll have to make a good damn excuse if I want to escape the wrath of the woman I call a mother.

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