"HE'S JUST A BOY!",I shouted in rage.

The piece of shit didn't care. He pulled a knife from his sheath and stabbed Jackson right in the neck before viciously pulling it through his throat,tearing his neck to shreds. Jack's blood sprayed allover me and the color left his eyes and skin as he choked to death on his own blood. The Russian had an evil,satisfied grin on his face,as if killing a teenager were a great feat.

"You bastard",I said lowly,"I'm going to kill you all!"

"Bring in the next one!",The Russian said throwing Jack's body to the ground.

"Your all going to pay",I spat angrily.

The two VC that had brought me in went back to the cages,they soon returned with Hudson,Issac and Frank. Hudson was fighting them tooth and claw,his green eyes were a firestorm of rage.

"Get your hands off me!",he shouted.

The VC trained their weapons on him.

"You can't kill me!",Hudson told them before sitting in the chair in front of me.

"The bastards killed Jack",I said very near tears.

Hudson turned behind him and saw Jackson laying in a pool of his own blood,dead. He turned and looked at his eyes were like a hurricane of rage and hate.

"Were gonna make him pay",Hudson said angrily.

"BAC,BAC,BAC!",The VC man said again and pointing at Hudson.

"You shoot GI you shoot!"

Hudson grabbed the revolver and pressed it to his head.

"FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!",he shouted as he pulled the trigger.

I waited for the bang,but none came. Hudson threw the revolver down on the table,panting as he did. I'd never seen his face in such a red twisted rage before.

"What's the plan brother?",Hudson asked.

"I'm thinking I'm thinking",I replied as VC man placed the Colt in front of me.

I picked it up and turned it over in my hand. As I did,a faint gold gleam pierced my eye,the loaded chamber,I now knew exactly how I was gonna get my team out of this.

"Six and eight",I told Hudson as i held the gun in front of my face.

I began to depress the trigger. Just before the gun clicked to fire,I lept up and buried the muzzle of the gun into the chest of the VC man and fired,quickly flipped him around,discarding the Python and reaching into the holster pouch of the man to reveal my own B32R,which was loaded and in battery. I quickly held up my pistol and fired into  group of two men behind the Russian,trying to hit him in the process,but missing. I discarded the VC man's body and quickly stripped one of the VC men of my vest and MK-48.

"The Russian",I said hammering the bolt on my 48,"now."

"I'm right behind you brother!",Hudson shouted as we ran after the man.

We darted through a narrow passage way. We came upon a large room that had boxes scattered about and was crawling with VC. I slid into cover behind one of the boxes and immediately began discharging my weapon onto the VC men.

"That Russian is gonna die!",Hudson shouted over the crack of his FAL.

 "Damn right he is!",I shouted as fired my weapon at the VC.

Hudson and I cleaned out the VC from the room before pushing down another hallway. As I was coming around the corner,a VC man with a knife leaped at me from no where. I grabbed his hand as he tried to stab me and pryed my knife from it's sheath before landing a spiked knuckle blow on his face a shoving my knife through his skull. I twisted it as I pulled it back out and continuing down the hallway,sticking to my knife as I went down the hall way. We came upon another large room with a good amount of cover and even more VC troops. I placed my knife back in it's holster on my leg before bringing up my 48 and once again beginning gunplay with the VC.

"If that fucker gets out",Hudson barked,"he'll warn all the VC in the area!"

"He ain't getting out",I told him in reply.

I pointed my weapon up and began firing at some VC armed with Penchegs as Hudson disarmed a man with a Saga 12 and killed him with it.

"This i'll be use full",Hudson said cocking it.

"We gotta move!",I said grabbing my 48 from it's set up and running down another hall way.

As we neared the end,I spotted the Russian man trying desperately to get a door open.

"Weapons free!",I shouted.I raised my Mk-48 and let it rip.

The storm of .30-06 ripped through the man's back and chest,splattering the door with his blood and insides. Hudson cut loose with the Saga he  retrieved and emptied it into the Russian before drawing his FAL and flipping it to full auto. By the time we were empty,our weapons were smoking and the man was nothing more than a red paste.

"That was for Jack!",I shouted in anger.

"For Jack!",Hudson shouted.

I felt all the rage and feeling drain out of me as I remembered our fallen comrade.

"Let's go back to Frank and Issac",I said trying despertly not to cry,"we need to give Jack a proper send off."

Hudson only nodded. We walked in silence back to the room where Jackson had been killed,the feeling of death and despair hung over the cave like a shroud,a weapon even. We returned to the room and found Frank and Issac working to sew up the wound on Jackson's throat. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces,I swear that even Hudson was crying,but he'd never let us see his tears. I couldn't find the words to describe how I felt,it was all I could do to kneel down beside my friend and close his tired looking eyes. I felt tears going down my face as I did.

"John",Hudson said,"your our CO,what do you wanna do?"

I turned to him,tears running down my face,"I want to fight,we are gonna get out,were gonna find Wyatt and were gonna go home to our families."

"Okay",Hudson said,tears running down his face,"I'm with you brother."

"For Jackson",Issac said.

"For Jackson",Frank said.

"For Jackson",another voice came.

I was stunned at hearing it. At first I thought it was Wyatt,but I quickly realized it was a female's voice. I turned around,and was stunned at who stood before me.

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