Chapter 2 - Hanging out

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Haley's POV

New day. Its 2 September. Monday. I can feel the fall coming. Cold wind blowing through my hair as I am walking towards my college. It is located just 15 minutes away from my appartement, and since I don't have my own car, I have to walk.

I spot my friend walking a few meters in front of me towards the door of the college. "Hey, Carrie! Wait up!" I yell to her and jog towards her. She turns around and her big blond hair is blowing in the wind. She gets a big smile on her face as she sees me. "Hey you!". I breathe out after my little jog to her. We walk together into college.

I was supposed to end college last year, but I dropped out to work a bit and earn money for my appartement which I bought recently. Before that I lived with my parents and also a bit with Carrie for some weeks before I had afford.

Michael's POV

What a boring day. I could call Lisa but I hung out with her yesterday after Haley went home. I guess since she is my girlfriend I could hang out with her two days in a row. Just, my body feels so tired, I kind of don't want to hang out with anyone, but at the same time I want. Argh.. Boring.

I am sitting in my couch.... Tired. I sigh as I look at the clock..It is only 15.40. Could this day really go any slower? I pick up my phone and call Haley. She picks up right away.
"Hey Michael"
"Heeey Hales... Eh what' you doing?"
"Hm, nothing much, just home from college, and you?"
"Nothing, i am so bored, can i come over?"
"Yeah for sure!"
I smile to myself.
"Great, I'll see you soon" I say before I hang up. I get up from the couch and make my way out in the hallway to put on shoes before I go to Hales.

Haley's POV
Michael is coming over. I guess we can be bored together. At least he did sound like he was very bored. And so am I even though I kind of just got home. I sigh. I actually have something to write, a paper about Economy which I am studying.. It has to be done by friday, and it also has to be at least 15 pages. It feels so much..
The doorbell rings, I walk to the door and open. His big white smile catches my eyes right away and I smile as well. "Heya Mike, come in...!

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