Chapter Two - Maximum Overdrive and Chill

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Sam sighed and allowed Davey past, watching him say hi to everyone.

"A'ight, it's gettin' late, ain't it?" Albert shouted, pulling up Netflix,

"No it ain't," Elmer laughed. "but it ain't like you'd know. You hasn't been outside since I met ya!"

"Yeah I has! Babe, I works in construction!" Albert said back. He grinned and checked out the window to see the sun was setting. "The sun's goin' down..." He said quietly.

Jack and Sam both perked up at this. Jack ran to his room to get his sketchbook while Sam went up to Davey and asked for the car keys. As soon as Davey handed them to him, he darted outside with Jack not far behind.

"Look at them nerds." Smalls laughed, entering the room.

"Yeah..." Davey responded with a small smile as his gaze fell on Jack.

Outdoors, Sam was taking his camera out of his bag and turning it on as Jack sat down on the ground and began to sketch.

"You guys have a nice view," He said quietly towards Jack, crouching down for a better angle.

"Yeah, we's pretty lucky to have this place." He answered with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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