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i dont know hoovers actual name and im too lazy to look it up so dEAL with iT

edit: i tried to look it up and gave up after all i could find was the hoover dam and the vacuum


kwites pov

it's the year that i finally get to go to vidcon. me, hoover, and diesel (thats all im going to put because i cant deal with having to write about more than five people) all flew out to california for vidcon and we were going to stay at brandons house.

brandon met us at the airport and we all drove home together. once we got to brandons house... absolute fucking chaos was unleashed.

"diesel stop listening to your edgy metal music and get your shit inside!" brandon yelled at diesel who, evidently couldn't hear us over his music.

hoover yanked out his earbud and yell-sang in his ear, "HELLOOO ITS MEE." we all started laughing and diesel just about had a heart attack. we all got our stuff from the trunk and ran up to the front door.

"FBI OPEN UP!" i yelled and banged on the door.

"kwite no one's home." brandon said as he unlocked the door.

"fuck you." i said in a joking way. we all walked in after brandon and set our stuff by the door; there was no organization and it was just a pile of luggage in the walkway.

"i wanna sleep on the couch!" hoover yelled.

"no, i wanna sleep on the couch!" i yelled as i pushed him out of the way and jumped on the couch.

"i'm sleeping on the couch, so fucking move." brandon said as he walked over to me.

"watch your profanity." diesel chuckled as he pointed at brandon, who sighed.

"yes, sir." brandon said sarcastically. we all laughed and diesel eventually did too.


"but, like, do we actually have to sleep on the floor?" hoover asked in a somewhat whiny voice.

"yes." was all that brandon said.

"even me?" i asked.

"even you."

"but i'm the small--" brandon cut me off before i could finish my thought.

"i don't care, get your twink-ass on the floor." diesel immediately raised his eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"kinky." diesel said in a somewhat mumble. hoover laughed, i kinda chuckled and brandon just shook his head.

"anyways..." i said, not really meaning to say anything else except move on from the previous conversation.

i layed down on the floor, well, pile of blankets on the floor that was going to be my bed for the whole time i'd be here. it was kind of funny looking since we were sleeping in a line-ish formation. brandon was sleeping on the couch, i was sleeping on the floor next to the couch and diesel was next to me and hoover was next to him.

me and hoover were still scrolling on our phones and diesel and brandon had already gone to sleep, or were trying to at least.

i eventually saw hoover plug his phone in and go to sleep, it didn't surprise me that i was the last one to be awake, i was kind of a night owl but i also had slight insomnia so i knew i wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon.

i scrolled on twitter for maybe half an hour before i put my phone down and tried to go to sleep. but that wasn't going so well since i was paranoid about every little noise that i heard in the silence.

since i was already paranoid, when a car alarm went off i nearly screamed. i only half-screamed before i covered my mouth.

the alarm of the car that was going off sounded like it was only about two or three houses down and i was freaking myself out more and more by thinking of the possibilities of what could've caused it.

either the car alarm or me screaming woke brandon up because he turned to me and just asked, "kwite?" in a sleepy-ish voice that gave me butterflies.

"yes?" you could hear the nervousness in my voice, whether the cause of it was the car alarm or something else i was nervous regardless.

"did the car alarm wake you up?" brandons voice was kind of mumbly when he was sleepy.

"nah, i've been up." my voice relaxed a little bit.

"can you not sleep?" i nodded.

"wanna talk?"

"about?" brandon rubbed his eye, and made a mumbling noice that vaguely sounded like 'i don't know'.

"ugh, i hate insomnia." i complained.

"i'm sorry." brandon said, as if me not being able to sleep was his fault.

"it's fine, there's really nothing you can do about it." i sighed and looked at him, he kind of smiled and it made me feel nervous all over again. i didn't want to accept the fact that i might like brandon as more than a friend, but at 11:30pm at night i just gave in.

"brandon, when are you gonna make a coming out video." his eyes widened and he avoided eye contact with me for a few seconds.

"uh, no."

"that's not a correct english response." i smiled but he couldn't see it through my mask.

"i dunno." he shrugged.

"you're so obviously gay though." i chuckled at the end, trying to not make the conversation too serious.

"i know that but--"

"so he admits it!" i whisper-yelled. brandon put his hand over my mouth- well, mask- to shush me.

"shh, you're gonna wake up diesel or hoover." he half-laughed.

"can you take your hand off my face?" it almost came out as more of a statement than a question.

"oh yeah, sorry." brandon pulled his hand back awkwardly and avoided my eyes, not that he could really see them.

i made a whiny-sighing noise that got brandon to look at me.

"brandon?" his full attention was on me now.

"uh, yeah?" the idea of what i was about to do made me nervous to the point feeling sick.

"i have something to tell you." i said, trying to keep a monotone voice.

"and what would t-that be?" he looked me in the eyes and it didn't help my nerves one bit.

"i h- i- actually nevermind." i cowered, but i knew there was no backing out now.

"no, no, no, tell me." i wanted to, i really did, but my voice hitched every time i tried to say it.

"i-" i took a deep breath, "i might like you... as more than a friend." i said, almost physically shaking. his facial expression just read as shock, i couldn't see any other emotions. but then he slowly started smiling.

"woah." he said quietly, mostly to himself.

"good woah or bad woah or just woah?" the butterflies in my stomache hadn't died down at all.

"good woah."



p.s. i didnt proof read this so if theres any grammar mistakes or somethin im sorry

kwitanz one shotzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora