True Drunken Love

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(By the way, I drew the pic at the top!  XD )

"No. Nope. I Don't beleive it!" Escargon waved his hands around crazily towards Dedede. "Just... nope!"
" oh, you're just playing. You sure you've never heard this before? I know it's flying around Pu Pu Pu Land!" There was a rumor flying around about Kirby. Dedede was trying to convince to Escargon that Kirby could drink 5 drinks in row and not get drunk.
"Kirby's way too light and hollow to do that. You know Fumu or Bun wouldn't let him anywhere near alcohol. And Kirby would probably get drunk just by tasting a tiny bit of alcohol.  He is small, light, and a black hole, so it wouldnt take him long to get drunk!" Escargon made a pretty good point. Well, Dedede thought he did anyway...
"I am curious now... how long would it take for a certain snail to get drunk?" Dedede put his pointer finger on his beak like he was thinking, and Escargon knew Dedede well enough that he knew Dedede thinking was impossible.
"Oh... well.. shit. We dont have any alcoh-" Dedede suddenly pulled some out of his robe, and smiled. "Shit." Escargon wasnt getting out of this now...
"Well... I know it won't take long for me to get drunk. I'm tiny, and you... well.. your....your not."
"Just drink it boy!" Dedede shoved the bottle into the snail's mouth. He pulled it back after a while. "Whew.. what is that? It.. it tastes like you do after you've eaten some fruit or something." Escargon wiped his mouth with his hand and cleared his throat.
"Ew... aftertaste is not that great!  Blech... oh man!" Escargon walked over to Dedede and leaned on him. "Well... your turn!"
Dedede took the bottle and took a few sips.
"Uh...  WOW... wow....  ugh... oh that aftertaste really kicks in.. holy shit... whew..."
Dedede cleared his throat and sat down in his throne chair. Escargon followed.
"Oh... I haven't had much... but I already feel light headed! I told you... and I was right! Kirby wouldn't be able to do this. He'd just taste it, like me, and kinda feel light headed... or whatever Kirby would do." Escargon plopped on Dedede's lap. "Oh.. sorry, you majesty... I can get off if you need me to... I was just...uh"
Dedede put his hand around Escargon and pulled him closer. He handed the half drunken bottle to the snail, and then said "drink it!"
"I thought that we were done here" Escargon stated. He fixed the way he was facing so that he could face Dedede.
Dedede handed Escargon the bottle, and Escargon took it, but he had a concerned look on his face. "Are you sure, your majesty?"
"Yep. I'm sure!"
Escargon tilted the bottle and his head back to get all of the drink in one go. That really wasnt the best idea, but the snail wanted to get this over as fast as possible. After all of it was gone, Dedede took the bottle out of Escargon's grasp and threw it towards a wall. It hit the wall, broke, and made a loud 'crash' noise. Waddle Dee's came running in there with a broom and dust pan, and sweeped it up before you vould even blink. "Wow, they are good!" Dedede was amazed.
"Well... have you seen me?" Escargon joked while pointing at himself while smiling.
Escargon then collapsed on top of Dedede. "Uh... I knew it wouldn't take very long! And you know how I get when I'm drunk...  heh heh... you're cute!"
"I am, aren't I? Yup.. you are drunk now.. I can tell.. and you were right! It didn't take long for you!"
"I love you, Dedede... kissy kissy time now..."
Escargon slowly kissed Dedede right on his beak, and kinda left some slobber.  "Heh... You know, Escargon, I think we can continue this in the other room..  my bedroom to be exact!"  Dedede picked Escargon up and held him like he was his baby. Escargon chuckled as Dedede stumbled down the hallway, already getting drunk himself... 'that alcohol must be super strong or something'  Dedede thought to himself.
He made it to his room, closed the door behind him, and plopped himself and the snail down on his bed.
"Alrighty Escargon, what are we gonna do-" Dedede got cut off by a sloppy kiss from the uncontrollably blushing snail. Dedede kissed back passionately. Escargon had made thier desicion for them. Make out time, then!


Authors Note*

Hi! I was bored!    ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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