Priscilla groaned. “Scott, don’t say that. You know I’ll just wait up.”

“Priscilla, if you feel tired, don’t wait up. Go to sleep. I’ll wake you when I come home.” He moved around to look at her and she nodded her head okay. He kissed her lips. “I love you and I’ll see you later.”

“I love you too.”

Scott left the house and Priscilla proceeded to get dressed before going to do something with her hair and makeup.

Just as she was pulling on her sandals, she heard Phoebe at the door and went to allow her sister’s entrance.

“The pretty one has plans. It’s just me, you, and the baby.” Phoebe grinned wide and Priscilla shrugged, following her sister out and locking the door.

The women got to their destination and ordered their lunch, Priscilla opting to have water with her meal.

Phoebe looked her sister over, taking in her change. Priscilla actually looked happy for once in her life. She wasn’t scowling. She wasn’t grinning, granted; but she definitely wasn’t scowling.

“How is the baby holding up in your tank of acid?” she asked her sister, breaking a piece of bread in half.

“Bitch,” Priscilla scoffed.

Phoebe beamed at her sister, all teeth as she messed with her. Priscilla was aware that her sister was joking and didn’t take it the way she might have if someone else had said it.

“He’s fine in here and he’s hungry. It’s too hot for all the milk I want to drink.”

Over her sister’s shoulder, Priscilla saw David coming into the restaurant, and she ducked her head down, hoping the man hadn’t seen her. He was sure persistent and tried each and every time that he saw her. It drove her bananas.

“What are you doing?”

“You remember the guy who sent the bottle a few months ago? David?”

“Oh, one never forgets such generosity.”

“David is married and has children. Priscilla has no interest but David doesn’t care.”

“Priscilla is married with child,” Phoebe pointed out.

“I can guarantee he’ll see this belly and not care.”

David stopped to smile at Priscilla, almost opening his mouth to speak to her, but Phoebe beat him to the punch. “She doesn’t want to talk to you, creeper, so keep it moving. She’s married and pregnant and if you keep trying to make passes at my sister, I’m going to let her husband know,” she warned. “Leave her alone.”

David looked over at Priscilla and then Phoebe in stunned silence before he moved along.

“I could about kiss you, Phoebe. But I won’t because you’re disgusting.”

Phoebe rolled her eyes and waved her sister off, seeing the food coming their way. Priscilla had a mildly dramatic way of being. Penelope was a little Priscilla jacked up on caffeine.

“Finally one of you is making me an aunt,” she told Priscilla, who was inspecting her food.

“Phoebe, simply have a child of your own.”

“I wouldn’t know who the father was if I did some stupid shit like get pregnant.”

“Would it matter?”

Phoebe shrugged. She’d never know because she was currently on birth control and never let a single male partner, although all were clean, remove a rubber with her. While rooting for her sister and her pregnancy, she was not going to catch herself up and wound up pregnant. She would rather be the doting aunt than tired mother.

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