"On the count of three..." he began, his voice causing her to spin around in a hurry to face him. He grinned. It was her.

Olivia whirled around at the familiar voice, the voice she hadn't heard in so many years and yet, could never forget. Her eyes widened as she faced the man she once thought she would marry. It was as though no lifetimes had passed, time hadn't marched on. He should have been foreign by now; the memories of him shrouded in cobwebs like a half-forgotten dream, but he looked like home.

She laughed again as he continued to recite the quote from the movie she hadn't seen since that summer. Only Harry Styles would find her in a tiny coffee shop in the middle of Manhattan and greet her with a quote from Step Brothers.

"...name your favourite dinosaur," he continued, encouraged by her laughter. He grinned, her giggles contagious. "Don't even think about it. Just name it. Ready?" He laughed again as she nodded. "One, two, three."

"Velociraptor," Harry and Olivia both stated in unison. They stared at each other; small smiles playing on both of their lips. Olivia's stomach gave a nervous tumble as she realised it wasn't a fantasy. She'd thought about a version of this moment many times over the past years, but gave up on it ever happening long ago. It was fan fiction fodder, not real life.

Harry chuckled. "Did we just become best friends?" he wondered. His eyes twinkled as he continued to quote the movie they'd watched countless times while he was in the hospital. She had refused to leave his side the entire week. It was far from romantic, but the raunchy comedy always reminded Harry of her.

Olivia nodded, still giggling. "Yup!" she answered, holding her hand up to imitate the high five the characters shared in the movie.

Harry beamed. Her giggle was more captivating than he remembered. He met her gloved hand with his, wishing she wasn't wearing mittens so her skin could be against his. Harry gripped her hand for a moment, and the touch invoked memories of the first time he held her hand. He laughed to himself. He wondered if she remembered that time also begun with a high five.

Their hands remained connected for just a moment before Harry tugged on Olivia's hand, pulling her closer to him. He enveloped her into a hug, her soft locks tickling against his cheek as he tucked his chin against her shoulder. He inhaled, breathing her in.

Despite her pounding heart, Olivia's breathing slowed as Harry wrapped her in his embrace, still as comfortable and warm as it had been years before. His strong arms cocooned her and her body melted against his. The familiarity of the moment took her back; past the life she'd now built and back to the fleeting summer shared with Harry.

It took a moment for the world around them to spin again. Harry pulled away first, keeping his hands on Olivia's arms as he looked into her eyes, grinning. He let out a loud laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed. "You, New York? What? Why!"

He wasn't complaining though.

Olivia mirrored his laughter. It was inconceivable. She gestured to the group she'd arrived with. "We all came out here for the holidays," she replied. "Steph — you remember Steph," she added, pointing. "... and Jeff live here now. Go Rangers, I guess," she surmised with a shrug.

P.S. (Please Stay)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora