“Lila! You look great!” Sam spoke out before he could think. Both of them blushed at Sam’s words and Lila tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.

“Thanks. You’re not too shabby yourself.” She joked. Sam shook his head and stood up, “no really. Nice make up.” He blurted out.

Lila laughed, “thanks I guess.”

“Sorry, guess I’m a little nervous.” Sam chuckled.

“So what movie are we going to see?” Lila decided to try and break the awkwardness.

“I decided on a classic.” Sam smirked. He was proud of his choice.

“A classic?” Lila quirked her eyebrow.

“Yeah, awhile ago, a friend and I were wondering around town when I first moved in and we found this movie theatre that plays classic movies. Guess what they’re playing tonight?” Sam grinned.

Lila shrugged. “What?”

“Sixteen Candles!”

Lila grinned and then narrowed her eyes toward Sam.

“How did you know that’s my favorite movie from the 80’s?”

“Lucky guess.” Sam started strutting towards the theatre, utterly proud of himself. Lila walked next to Sam with ease. She never felt so comfortable with someone before. They made it to the movie and Sam bought them the tickets, even though Lila complained that she didn’t get to at least pay for her ticket. Sam wasn’t going to let her pay for anything tonight. It was all on him.

Before the two of them walked into the theatre, they heard someone calling Sam’s name.

Sam cringed and slowly turned around.

“Why?” He whispered. Lila eyed Sam suspiciously and followed his gaze and saw a girl, not much taller than she was with hair that was chopped up near her ears.

“Who’s that?” Lila asked Sam, not taking her eyes off the girl.

“A nuances.” Sam replied darkly.

Lila looked away from the girl and looked up at Sam, confused.

“Hey, didn’t think I’d run into you here!” Gina nudged Sam with her elbow, and gave him a little wink. Sam shook his head.

“Go away, Gina, you’re ruining things.” Sam muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Gina to hear.

“Oh, who’s this?” Gina asked, eyeing Lila.

“I’m Lila.” Lila smiled warmly at Gina.

“I’m Gina. Apparently, Sam isn’t a gentleman enough to introduce his date to me.” Gina joked. Lila gigged and nodded her head, “that’s what I say!”

Sam turned pink and shook his head. “Shut up guys!”

“Well, have fun at your movie, I’m going to watch Ghost Busters with my girlies over there. Bye Sam, see you in class!” Then Gina bopped over to her group of friends leaving Sam with his jaw set in a scowl.

“I hate her.” He muttered and Lila smiled.

“That’s the girl you used to complain about all the time, the one that’s in love with you. She seems sweet.”

Sam laughed, “you don’t know her like I do, let’s go watch the cheesy 80’s movie.” Sam slung his arm around Lila’s shoulders and guided her to the theatre.

“I love that movie.” Lila sighed. “The love is so perfect.”

“The love? You were not focused on the love, you were focused on the dude that plays Jake Ryan.”

Lila grinned, “well duh! He’s so dreamy.”

“And old. He’s old now. Is he even alive?” Sam shot back.

“Aw, are you jealous?” Lila teased.

“No. He’s old now, he’s no compotation. However…” Sam hesitated before he brought up James. Should I really bring this up during our date? Sam wondered. He shook his head. No, he shouldn’t.

“Where are we going to dinner?” He nudged her lightly and she looked up at him.

“Pasta.” She hummed out.

“What?” Sam laughed.

“Let’s eat pasta.”

“You didn’t actually choose where to go, did you?” Sam sighed out with a smile on his face.

“Nope! But pasta sounds amazing right now!” Lila rubbed her stomach at the thought of pasta.

“Let’s go to Geraldo’s.” Lila stopped walking and looked at Sam with wide eyes.

“The spaghetti there is to die for-“ Lila stopped talking when she realized what she said.

“The spaghetti is good. Let’s go.” Lila ducked her head.

Sam noticed Lila’s change in mood and boldly took her hand and tugged her forward to get her to start walking again.

“What’s wrong?” He asked her softly.

Lila’s eyes were glued on their intertwined hands and she felt her heart flutter.

“Nothing! I’m super hungry! Let’s go get some pasta!” Lila forced smile on her face, not wanting to feel down for her stupid choice of words.

Sam nodded his head slowly. He didn’t want to ignore Lila’s mood change, but she obviously didn’t want to talk about it so he said, “Pasta it is!”


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