Chapter 10

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Jinyoung had denied to follow his parents countless of times.
He did not want to be in such kind of atmosphere, although on the condition that he was going to be a businessman himself one day and being the only son of a family of successful business holdings, these kinds of formal business parties were inevitable for him.
Anyway, they were already in the area and there was no turning back for him.
It was a dinner party of a new hotel opening ceremony held by the owner of one of the most successful companies in the country. Almost all the other successful businessmen were there and although it was a dinner party, not a rope-cutting ceremony, formality was still hung in the air.
Jinyoung's father and mother were in a suit and silk dress respectively while he was also in a suit but with a green silky shirt underneath. His hair was styled neatly.
The party was both in front of the hotel and on its ground floor, and the whole area was decorated nicely.
The ground floor was well lit with men and women sitting at the tables and chatting there.
The area in front of the hotel was dimly lit and more tables were placed than inside with more people.
As soon as they made it near the party, the host, whose name, as Jinyoung heard, was Mr. Kim, followed by his wife, came and greeted them.
Jinyoung was given a brief introduction and afterwards all of them were invited to occupy any free table they liked and make themselves comfortable.
Some more people arrived after them.
It was quite chill in the night breeze.
They seated outside not very far from the hotel entrance.
Food and wine were brought to them, and Jinyoung sipped a bit of his wine to withstand the night chill.
After a while, Mr. Kim and his wife came back to have some conversation with Jinyoung's parents, most of which was about business.
"Last time you said you are interested in cooperating with a tour company," Mr. Kim recalled their last conversation, "Well, I'm glad that I invited the Tuans Tour and Airline company. It would be a successful merge if they are interested as well. What do you think, Mr. Park? For introduction, I'll take that responsibility gladly."
It was not that they did not know the Tuan holdings, which often catch attention of every businessman to have a merge with. It was just that they did not know them personally.
After a moment of consideration, "I'd be grateful, Mr. Kim," Mr.Park replied.
Mr.Kim said that they were only three tables away and it would not be a bad timing for an introduction.
Jinyoung refused to follow and remained at the table.
He sipped his wine and observed the surrounding.
Almost all people were engaged in conversations, undoubtly, about business. This kind of party was sort of a perfect occasion for gathering a lot of successful businessmen around the city.
However, the want hanging around Jinyoung's head was still to get back home and rest for the night. It was Monday tomorrow and he would not be able to sleep till late then.
It had already been fifteen minutes he was sitting here alone and he was getting bored terribly.
At last he got up and taking a glance at his parents who were still engaged in the conversation with a nicely-dressed couple, three tables away from his, he took a walk around the area.
The hotel was nicely built, he noticed. There was a small garden at the right side of the hotel. He approached there and looked around. The place was dimly lit and there was even a small fountain.
There was no one around as far as he could see but a figure caught his eyes on a small bench on the opposite side of the fountain.
He did not see it at first as some plants were blocking the view.
He approached there a little with the curiosty of why on earth that person would sit all alone there.
He could not see the face but the back, and was sure it was a man in suit.
Just when he was about to turn back, his phone rang in that utter silence.
He quickly answered the phone. It was his mother.
"Jinyoung, where're you? I don't see you on the table."
"Mom, don't worry. I'm just taking a walk around. I'll call back later, okay?"
He ended the call and faced ths stranger who was turning to his direction.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dist-"
It was a familiar voice, sure enough.
With the help of the dim light, Jinyoung now could see that it was Mark.

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