Meeting the pharaoh and his cousins part 1

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        I Do not own Yu-gi-oh Cuz if I did Atem (yami) wouldn't have died and the ships would have sailed anyway on with the story ⏩


*Yugi's P.O.V*

'Once upon a time a beautiful girl ... Nah who am I kidding My story isn't that and I know It. "Yugi! Come on we gotta start working'' My older sister Ryou said. "No go away". I said while going back to sleep ''wait". I jumped out of my bed. "we are going to be late on our first day Ryou why didn't you wake me". I said as I was getting dressed. ''l tried you just didn't want to wake up". "come on serenity and joey are waiting for US in the kitchen''. Ryou said as we got out our room to go to the kitchen to see our sisters.

*Atem's P.O.V*

''Atem wake up we have a meeting after breakfast.'' Said My cousin Seto. l groan and turn the other way. "Fine I'll Call Bakura So he wakes You up." He said getting pissed that l ignored him. I jumped Out of my bed when I heard the name Bakura. You see Bakura is my other cousin and he has the worst way of waking me up even if I'm the Pharaoh and his cousin. ''Fine I'm up I'm up.'' I said Lazily as I went to take a bath and get dressed.

-time skip to before the meeting-

-on their way to the throneroom-

(btw Atem is with bakura now)

''Hey Atem you ready for the meeting Seto told Me that you didn't want to wake up this morning and threated you by telling you he was gonna call me So I would wake you up." said my cousin bakura. "urg... Don't remind me about it do you know how confy and Warm my bed was and I had to leave it for a stupid meeting." l said while Walkin to the throneroom but I didn't noticed where l was going and accidentally bumped Into someone and I fell ontop of. when I noticed female servant under me blushing like crazy.

*Yugi's P.O.V*

I bumped Into someone cuz I was running ahead of Ryou to get to the kitchen faster. Then the Next thing I know I was on the floor with Someone ontop Of me I had my eyes Close So I didn't see who was ontop of me till I open my eyes and once l saw who was ontop of me. It was like time stooped right there and then.

*Atem's P.O.V*

l stayed there Shocked when the girl that wan under ml opened her eyes. l couldn't look away from her eyes they were a beautiful shade of amethyst. It was like they Could see my soul and clean all my sins. But bakura had to interrupt by saying "Atem are you Okay You haven't Moved from On top of that Young Servant." "S-Sorry"  stutter the female that was under me. Her voise was that of an angel. "no I'm sorry for falling on you." l said as I was standing up. Then I tried to help her up but she refuses. ''N-no I wouldn't ask the Pharaoh to help me up.'' She said while Standing up but as soon She was about to stand she fell again but this time she wahurt' 'itai itai" She said as she touch her anckle. "Hey Yugi you okay sis." Said a girl that seems that just got here. 'So her name is yugi huh' I thought to myself. "Who are you" said bakura while looking at the girl that seems to be yugi's sister."I'm Ryou Yugi's older twin sister nice to meet you" said Ryou  as she bowed her head down to show respect to me and bakura.

*Bakura's P.O.V*
-Before Ryou got here-

I was watching as Atem was on top of a girl that looked like a female form of him but pale. But then I decided to butt in and said "Atem are you okay you haven't moved from on top of that Young servant." "S-sorry." Stutter the the young servant that was under Atem. "No I'm sorry for falling on top of you." Said atem with his cheeks a little Pink. I mentally smirked.'He looooooves her' I thought to myself.

-Time skip to when Ryou was coming-

Then i notice a beautiful with white as snow hair coming our way running " Hey yugi you okay sis" said the white haired female with her voice as soft as a pillow  so i had to ask "who are you?". " I'm Ryou Yugi's older twin sister". she said as she bowed down to show respect to me and Atem. "you may raise" i said.

*Ryou POV*

I was distracted by looking at the man that looked like me just that my hair is white and his is dark gray. But the remembered about yugi. "yugi you okay i told you to be careful come on let me help you and get you to serenity so she heals you" i said as i picked yugi up on my back i was about to leave when the pharaoh took yugi from my back and said. " let me help you. i was the one that made her fall." " are you sure pharaoh i can carry my own younger twin  to our sisters." I said a little worried that the pharaoh had to carry yugi all the way to our rooms which are far away since we are servants also he is the PHARAOH he shouldn't be going to the servants courters. "Nonesence it was my fault so i shall carry her." Said the pharaoh. at this point yugi couldn't stop blushing which brought a smile to my face 'i've never seen yugi blush so dark in my whole life'. "okay it looks like i can't change your mind so might as well accept your kind offer" i said with a smile on my face when i saw that the pharaoh was smiling like he won the biggest gift of life.

*Atem POV*

Our way to the servants courters  was quiet but i couldn't stop thinking about the girl that i have in my arm she looks so gorgeous in my arms blushing red as a tomato. Which brought a smile to my face well a smile i was trying to hide from bakura but i don't think it was working cuz i could see the smirk in his face with a little bit of blush while he talked to Ryou which made me smirk. anyway once we got to the servants courters Ryou took yugi from my arms and started running to her sisters room so yugi's ankle was checked. 

*seto POV*

 I was  looking for my two cousins cuz they were late for the meeting I was passing by some servants " oi you so you know where the pharaoh and baker are ' i asked one of the servants. " yes sir i saw them walking to the servants courters with one of the cutest servants here in the arms of the pharaoh" he said as he bow down to me. 'what???' "stand go and do your work" said as i walked away from him. "yes sir have a good day sir" he said as he walked to do his work. 'I can't believe that bakura would let atem go to the servants courters little let him carry a servant. '

*Joey P. O. V*

I was working cleaning the servants courters when the pharaoh and general bakura walked in but the I noticed a hurt yugi and I ran towards them.  "Ryou what happened to yugi?" I asked worried.  "Um I don't know the whole story but I do know that yugi was running from me." Said Ryou bidding behind bakura when I glared at her for letting you run away from her.  "I may be able to finish that story you see I was walking and I wasn't paying attention where I was going and bumped into yugi." Finished the pharaoh while putting yugi in one of the beds. "What am I gonna do with you two thank you my pharaoh for bringing yugi and ryou safely you don't know how bad it is for those to when they aren't together or when I'm not with them. " I said with a sigh. 

*Atem's P.O.V*

'What did she mean by how bad it is for them?' "Um what do you mean by that if I may ask? " I said and noticed yugi paled along with ryou. "Well you since we are servants we don't have many clothes as you can see they are wearing the best they have and well there are times they don't have much to wear so they wear less and guards tend to flirt or look at them strangely." Said Joey looking at the floor.  That made me super pissed 'who dares to look at my yugi........... wait what my yugi stop it atem don't think like that'

*Bakura's P.O.V*

'SOMEONE DARES TO LOOK AT MY RYOU........  wait my ryou? '

A weird cinderella Story (Atem x Female Yugi)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें