Chapter 6: It Has Begun

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Honebami brandishes his Wakizashi, eyes narrowed. The Kebiishi of his former master laughs. Inhuman. It swings the tachi blade in a morote-tsuki (forward thrust) that strikes a blow to Honebami's shoulder. Honebami responds by sweeping up the blade in a rising-side motion with the right side of his Wakizashi, before quickly thrusting to the Kebiishi's side. Some blood paints the white clothing of the Saniwa.

"You'll only hurt them even more," the Kebiishi twists its' lips into what must've been a painful smirk.

Honebami parries its attack, trying to keep his cool. His mind is too jumbled to strategize a plan of attack. The sage's clothing was a splash of red and white hues. A blue aura surrounded the possessed Saniwa, seemingly removing the humanity from them. The Kebiishi lunges at Honebami again. It aims this time for his abdomen.

The morning sun evaporates much of the morning dew. Two females sit on a secluded beach not far from the citadel, basking in the mediocre heat.

"You didn't call me here to enjoy today, did you?" The woman sitting closest to the water turns her head to look up at the other. "It's been a long time since we've seen you."

"No, I didn't," the other woman responds, pulling the dark hair from her face. "The blade has been summoned, but not by us. I've been keeping tabs for the past year and a half or so."

"One of the government's saniwas summoned her, didn't they?" The first woman inquires. "Has she awakened?"

"Yes," the second woman replies. "It won't be long until she's enlightened."

"I see; and the government? What will we do about them when they discover her true form?"

The second woman pulls her glasses off her face. Her lips curve into a smile. "Make sure they don't get her."

"Yagen, did you leave it unattended just to come alert others?" The official snaps incredulously.

"No; Honebami is taking care of it," Yagen informs her calmly.

Yagen snaps his fingers in front of Mizu's blank face. Her face contorts and she's returned to reality, stepping back instinctively. The government official folds her glasses and tucks them into her breast pocket. She sets down her clipboard before pulling her black hair back.

"Good. Gekkou, where's your sword?"

Mizu picks up her Uchigatana, presenting it to the woman. The woman grasps the hilt, unsheathing it. Her eyes intake the intricate designs of the blade. Were they dark with greed? Want? Lust?

"Ms. Gekkou, I need you to stay here; we can't risk you breaking while this is going on," the official orders.

Yagen frowns but doesn't question. Instead, he turns on his heel and runs off to alert other touken danshi. Ookurikara glances around the room again before the government official drags him off. Once they're in the hall, Ookurikara yanks his arm from the official's grasp, glaring.

"I need to grab my sword from my room," he explains.

"Be hasty," she grunts, sprinting down the opposite hall where fighting was heard.

When footsteps drew away from the female Uchigatana's room, Mizu slips out of the room, speed walking to the Saniwa's room. She scours the room, until she spots gleaming metal on a shelf. Without hesitation, Mizu slips the Tantou into her palm and ducks into the room of 'aruji-san.'

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