Streets (Pt 2.)

Magsimula sa umpisa

As I drove down the streets of poverty, I parked the street at Alexs' old house. Now it was boared up with the grafitti of the kids who were tired of being stuck and being looked down upon. 

I killed the engine and everyone got out and so did everyone else. Alex walked up beside me, just like always. 

Dante was on the other side and grabbed my hand. I pulled away. 

"If Ricardo is around and sees you holding my hand, he'll flip his lid."

"Do you think I care?" he asks, sounding a little upset. 

"Maybe you don't, but I do. My sister has two little boys who need there mom. If he sees this it'll mess things up." I responded, upset as the harsh reality hit me.

We walked up and the blaze from the car that they set on fire showed onto the street we walked. 

"Holy crap." Reggie sayed. I smiled, a little happy that someone seen something positive about where I came from. 

We walked by the gate of the junk yard and walked in. There were people thaat stood by and handed us beer bottles with a small amount of gas and a cloth in it, sticking out. 

"What the...?" Dante asked. Me and Alex walked up to the car and threw it in. The flames went up in a roar before slowly calming down. 

Toni De Le Vega comes up to me. 

"Huh... So the rumors are true. The queen of the streets really is back and one of the firsts things she does? Comes to my rave." He smiles. His face glew in the fire. His complection clear, skin tone tan, eyes were a dark green and his hair black. He was short for a male but taller than me. 

"Why do we still call it a Rave? A Rave involves a nightclub, Dj and music." I raised my brow and Dante and the others walked up behind me, without the bottles, probably dropping them somewhere. 

He laughs. "Yes. Because a nightclub is going to allow people like us into a nightclub." He points to the small stand with Brendel on it, playing music with speakers, blasting music. "Our Dj." He points to the speakers. "Our music." He spreads his hands gesturing to the space around us. "Our  nightclub." I smiled and we high fived and did the bro hug thing that guys do. "Good to have you back."

"Only temporary. If you see Ricardo, tell him I'm here, yea?" 

He nodded "Yea, I got it." Alex and him did the same hug. "Aye, how you been?"

"Good dude."

Dante looked at me. "Queen of the streets?" Long story. He laughed and so did I. We all walked off and sat around the blazing car. I drank from a small cup of Vodka. 

Then, there was a hand on my shoulder. Immediatly, I shrunk. Looking up, I seen the Mexican fuck named Ricardo.

(A:N; Nothing against Mexicans just the character XD My brothers' girlfriend is Mexican, I don't like her tho, is about to have my brothers baby and her names gnna be Arora Rayne Maria Hauber and im so excited. Way off topic XD) 

I grimmaced under his hand. 

"What?" I spat and the guys stood.

He looked at the guys before looking at me. "Nice to see you again Alex. I've been searching for you princess." His accent was thick and I hated it.

I stood up and pushed his hand off me. "Don't touch me."

"Oh? And what about your sister princessa?" His thick lips turned up in a smirk. My hands balled. 

"Fuck you."

"Oh, please do love." Dante walked up and I psuhed against his chest.

"Stop! Dante!" He looked at me and his eyes were colder than I've ever seen before.

He huffed and Ricardo looked up at him. "Who is this?" 

"None of your buisness. Where's my sister?"

"Tsk tsk princessa," He shook his head. "It's gonna cost you something."

"Which is?" I askeed skeptically. 

"You'll have to come with me to find out." He he said slowly and looked down at me. I pursed my lips and Dante was the first to speak up.

"Not fucking happening."

"Put a sock in it mystery guy." Ricardo hissed.

I looked over at Alex how was standing stiff and in a silent rage. His eyes met mine and he just looked at me. I turned around and looked at Ricardo. 

"So... I come with you... and you'll let my sister go?" I asked slowly. He nodded.

"Precisly princessa." He smiles and caressed my cheek. I instanly jerked away from his dirty touch. Looking back at Alex, he merely nodded as tears filled his eyes. He stormed to me and hugged me tight. 

I hugged back with everything I had. He was my brother and bestfriend. He was with me since day one. 

"We will bring you home." I nodded as he mumbled.

"Its in Cassys' garage. Follow us." I whispered. 

I backed up and he looked confused. Dante hugged me and looking over his shoulder, I mouthed to Alex. Think about it. Before turning to hug Jay, Raymond, and Reggie.

I sighed and looked at Ricardo and his men, sizing and counting them up. If we fought we could never win. There were 6 of Ricardos' guys, not including Ricardo and the men he has scattered around the lot. "How do I know you're not lying?"

"I never break a promise princessa." He smiled. 

"Fine... Lets go." I finally said.

Here's another chapter!

I really hope you like it and if not thats cool too. 

Thanks for all the positve comments. 

I just got on summer break. Thursday was my last day. Sadly, I have summer school. But, it's only 2 hours a day and four times a week. So yay. lols

My brothers baby is going to be here really soon and I've been doing baby shopping online and I hate it.

Not the shopping thing just the fact that its online. I would go to a store but the only one close to this tiny town... well the last time I went there, I was banned and almost went to Juvie. So, yea.

Thanks for reading.

I like pringlesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Laters my Lovely Smurfs!

The Possessive Gang Leaders PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon