Chapter 1: Cold and Warm

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It was a Saturday night and I decided to take a walk in the busy street of the city. I don't usually go out especially on nights because I am particularly withdrawn with all of these interactions, talking, dealing with people but I think... today is a nice day to stroll around.

I grabbed my coat and scarf to survive the negative-four-degree temperature outside and get out of my flat. I felt the cold breeze touch my cheeks and the tiny drops of snow hit my head. It was snowing.

I glanced for a moment and appreciate the cold weather before I continued my walk. I stopped by a coffee shop and ordered a hot cup of macchiato. I decided to take it out instead of drinking it in the cafe and continued again my stroll around the city.

There are so many people, I thought to myself. They are just walking past each other, busy with their own thoughts, their worries that they have to attend to.

'Why am I thinking about what they are thinking? Why am I curious of what their thoughts are? It's not like I care about it but I am just plain curious.'  I asked myself.

I can't help but to weirdly smiled on my own, realizing I was pondering some useless thoughts again.

I noticed that I have reached the park and sat on the cold bench despite its icyness I felt on my butt when I sat down. I don't frequently go here since it was far from my apartment and I am not the kind of person who enjoys outdoors so much. But right now, I am actually having fun, the cold wind, the coffee, the night sky, I thought that it was just one of those perfect nights. I scanned the empty park lit by the few lamp posts surrounding it and felt pleasured because I was the only one here. Peacefully drinking my coffee, no loud noises, no people, no annoyance, just pure solitude.

It was already twelve midnight but I still got no plans of going back to my apartment. People becoming lesser and lesser and more quiet since a lot of them are already gone home. I felt that the temperature become colder and colder but for me, it was perfect and I just love the cold weather so much. To be honest,  winter is my favorite season of all.

The snow has become thicker and I thought that it would be nice if I enjoy a little of myself on the snow. I threw my empty cup of coffee in the bin and stood up then happily played on the snow like a small child. I danced on it even if there's no music. I even made a tiny snowman family and took a picture of it because it's cute.

Then, I suddenly laid my back on the cold floor of snow and made a snow angel. I moved my arms and legs up and down until I grew tired of it. I stopped for a moment and had noticed the sky above me. I was weirdly staring at the dark empty sky and feeling the snowflakes dropping on my cold face. I breathed deeply and watched the vapor come out from my mouth. I stayed like that for a while and let myself be driven by my thoughts.

"Why is the sky so beautiful?" I whispered to myself. Suddenly, uncontrollable tears are running down my face. I, too, was confused to myself on why on earth I started crying just because I looked at the sky. But, heck I knew that there is so much happening in my life and maybe at this moment, it just needs to get out. I thought to myself that I have been bottling so much emotions inside me and right now, it getting out on its own.

I let myself cry quietly. Freeing the tears that were repressed for such a long time. I let these feelings and emotions I have been covering up for the longest time. The pain, sadness, and ironically, loneliness, I all let them out at this moment.

I was worried for a second that someone might see me but luckily, there were no people around or at least that's what I saw on where I am right now so I prevented myself from worrying more that someone will come and see me at my vulnerable state.

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