Chapter thirteen: little sisters are savages

Start from the beginning

'I know.' Tony stood up from his seat in the chair and began walking up to Ross. He stopped when his face was a few inches from Ross'. 'I know what will happen. When you leave, in roughly two and a half minutes, we will all go back to our various positions in our home. Then, on Monday morning we will return to our missions and continue doing our jobs, because if we don't the government sure as hell won't do anything. The Avengers are an independent organisation and operate under the management of each other. And occasionally Nick Fury and Maria Hill, but that's not the point. We're not gonna sit here and take crap form you or any other asshat. Now are you going to leave or am I gonna get security?'

Ross angrily picked up his brief case angrily threw the board controller at Stark (probably a bit angry because he never got to show his stupid little presentation) mumbled a quick 'This isn't the last you'll hear of this' and left.

Everyone was quiet as we watched Ross walk away. There was a moment of silence before Tony span around and said 'So...breakfast?'

While eating my porridge at the breakfast table beside the team, I remembered the homework I had to do. 'Oh crap.' I jumped down from the stool and ran out of the room, heading Steve and Tony call after me.

I grabbed the stack of papers from my desk and ran back. I placed the physics paper in front of Tony, Math in front of Natasha and kept English and biology for myself.

'What the hell is this?' Natasha asked, a mouth full of blueberries.

'My homework. More specifically, the stuff I can't do. I kept the English and biology so I'm not dumping this all on you, but it would be hugely appreciated if you could all help me out.' I gave them a sweet little smile that screamed help me and they nodded.

After breakfast I sat on the balcony with a cold glass of ice coffee and finished up English and got half way through biology, googling most of it.

After two hours of homework, that was all Stark's fault, I decided I needed to pack my bag as I wouldn't have enough time in the morning.

I went to the living room and looked at the usual place beside the couch that I've been using to dump my back pack when I collapse on the couch after 5+ of unnecessary schooling. My backpack was gone.

'Hey Friday?' I called out.

'Yes, Kat?' She responded.

'Do you know where my purple backpack has gone from the living room?'

'According to security footage, your purple backpack was picked up by Wanda.'

'Great.' I sighed. I grabbed my phone and began to call Wanda, only to realise she was on yet another mission and wouldn't answer. She and Vision had been going on an awful lot of missions recently.

I raced down to the basement of the facility. I saw Steve sat behind the computer and security footage system with Natasha. 'Hey guys.' I said.

'Kat? What are you doing down here?' Steve asked confused before Natasha said;

'Yeah, you never come down here.'

'Yep, well I need to speak to Wanda. It's an emergency.'

'Sure.' Steve pointed to the button on the desk that allowed me to speak to Wanda through her ear piece.

'Hey Wanda, it's Kat.'

'Hey Kat. I'm middle do something.' I could hear her struggle through the speakers.

'Okay well this will only take a second. Friday said you took my purple backpack, you know, the one I use for school. Any chance you could tell me where you put it?'

'Oh right. I needed a bigger bag and I didn't think you'd mind so I borrowed it for this mission.'

I bit my lip. 'You...what?'

'Yeah, I didn't think you'd mind.'

'I've gotta use it for school, Wanda...'

'Ok, well I gotta go fight this huge Russian dude, can I talk to you later?'


I ran back up to the living room to see Tony sat on the couch. When he saw me he jumped up excitedly. 'I've finished your physics homework and I did your math, Romanoff gave up.'

'Thank you, Tony. How long will this mission last again?'

Tony looked confused. 'I thought you liked this whole going to American school thing?'

'I do. I do. But it's draining you know, balancing school and avenging. Wanda's our doing these huge missions, week after week and Steve and Nat are always going out. I kind of feel like I'm slacking compared to the others. Like I'm not pulling my weight.'

Tony nodded understanding what I was saying. 'Yeah, I get that. I'm sure you'll have some time off soon and you can take sick days whenever, I made sure that was part of the deal. This mission is kind of open ended. Until I can be sure this kid is the real deal.'

'Okay.' I nodded. 'Well, whatever else I can do.'

'I'll let you know if anything comes up.' Tony nodded, handing me my papers before disappearing again.

I walked back to my room, looking over the papers. I'm totally screwed if any of this comes up in class. As I walked passed Wanda's room I saw a trail of pencils. 'That's odd.' I said to myself. I tapped the code into the keypad and the door opened.

The contents of my school backpack emptied on the floor of her bedroom. I rolled my eyes and sat down, picking up everything. Even the pencil case was empty, little sisters are savages.

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